Search results - 268 results

What does it take to create a European Health Data Space? International commitments and national realities

of building a health policy that could contribute to the long-term sustainable development of the European Union (EU), as stated in the European Health Union (EHU) manifesto. The main desire to create ...

Salmonella Durban meningitis: case report and genomics study.

male infant. The first clinical examination was reassuring, but after a few hours, his general state deteriorated. A blood test and a lumbar puncture were therefore performed. The cerebrospinal fluid ...

Scoping review of the association between bacterial vaginosis and emotional, sexual and social health

showing avoidance behavior. CONCLUSION: This review shows that symptomatic BV can be associated with diminished emotional, sexual, and social health, but there is too little evidence to state the extent of ...

Sex differences in diabetic foot ulcer severity and outcome in Belgium

associated with a higher probability of ulcer healing as a first event. Among many possible contributing factors, a worse vascular state associated with a higher rate of (previous) smoking in men stands out. ...

Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety

chosen for further studies (i.e. 24 hours enrichment as stated in the current international standard procedure, classical commercial DNA extraction and no amplification). Cheese samples were spiked with ...

The global burden of neglected zoonotic diseases: Current state of evidence

state of evidence on neglected zoonotic diseases (NZD s) burden and start a discussion on the current understanding of the global burden of NZD s. We identified 26 priority NZD s through consulting three ...

Aluminium intake through the consumption of selected baby foods and risk characterization in a population of Brazilian infants aged 0 to 36 months

from selected baby foods was estimated for Brazilian infants from the Sao Paulo State by means of a deterministic and a probabilistic estimation. The deterministic exposure assessment was carried out by ...

Methodological choices in brucellosis burden of disease assessments: A systematic review

estimates (Years of Life Lost) in their assessments due to lack of data or the assumption that brucellosis is not a fatal disease. Only two studies used a model with variable health states and corresponding ...

Understanding sexual transmission dynamics and transmission contexts of monkeypox virus: a mixed-methods study of the early outbreak in Belgium (May-June 2022).

consistently and transparently state the predominant sexual transmission potential of MPX virus, and prevention and control measures must be adapted to reflect multilevel factors contributing to MPX ...

The state of health in Belgium, 1990-2019: a benchmarking analysis based on the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Jinane Ghattas; Vanessa Gorasso; Robby De Pauw; Sophie Thunus; Niko Speybroeck; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: Arch Public Health, Volume 80, Issue 1 (2022) Keywords: burden of disease Disability ...

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