Search results - 4 results
Thyroid cancer incidence near nuclear sites in Belgium: An ecological study at small geographical level
sites. Focused hypothesis tests and generalized additive models were performed to test the hypothesis of a gradient in thyroid cancer incidence with increasing levels of surrogate exposures. No evidence ...
Thyroid cancer incidence around the Belgian nuclear sites: surrogate exposure modelling.
Herman Van Oyen; Francart, Julie; An Van Nieuwenhuyse Source: Cancer Epidemiol, Volume 39, Issue 1, Number 54, p.48-54 (2015) Keywords: Belgium environmental exposure Female Humans incidence Male Models ...
Thyroid cancer incidence near nuclear sites in Belgium: An ecological study at small geographical level.
levels of surrogate exposures. No evidence was found for more incident cases of thyroid cancer near the two nuclear power plants. Regarding the two industrial and research nuclear sites, no evidence for ...
Childhood leukemia near nuclear sites in Belgium: An ecological study at small geographical level.
models to investigate (i) the incidence of childhood acute leukemia within 20 km around the four Belgian nuclear sites, (ii) exposure-response relationships between cancer incidence and surrogate exposures ...