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Search results - 12 results

Induction of the specific allergic immune response is independent of proteases from the fungus Alternaria alternata.

the polyclonal IgE secretion, fungal proteases, and TLR4 signaling are not required while MyD88 is essential for triggering the systemic immune response and for the development of lung allergic ...

CD4+ T cells contain Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in the absence of CD8+ T cells in mice vaccinated with DNA encoding Ag85A.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: D'Souza, S; Denis, O; Scorza, T; Nzabintwali, F; Verschueren, H; Huygen, K Source: Eur J Immunol, Volume 30, Issue 9, Number 2459, p.2455-9 (2000) Keywords: Animals Antigens, Bacterial BCG V ...

Distinct VH repertoires in primary and secondary B cell lymphocyte subsets in the preimmune repertoire of A/J mice: the CRI-A idiotype is preferentially associated with the HSA(low) B cell subset.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Masungi Luko, C; Vansanten, G; Ryelandt, M; Denis, O; Wuilmart, C; Andris, F; Van Acker, A; Brait, M; Cloquet, J P; Ismaili, N; Nisol, F; Latinne, D; Brown, A; Leo, O; Bazin, H; Urbain, J Source: ...

Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of DNA vaccines encoding secreted and non-secreted forms of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ag85A.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Baldwin, S L; D'Souza, C D; Orme, I M; Liu, M A; Huygen, K; Denis, O; Tang, A; Zhu, L; Montgomery, D; Ulmer, J B Source: Tuber Lung Dis, Volume 79, Issue 4, Number 259, p.251-9 (1999) Keywor ...

Cross-reactive immune responses against Mycobacterium bovis BCG in mice infected with non-tuberculous mycobacteria belonging to the MAIS-Group.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Lozes, E; Denis, O; Drowart, A; Fabienne Jurion; Palfliet, K; Vanonckelen, A; De Bruyn, J; De Cock, M; Van Vooren, J P; Huygen, K Source: Scand J Immunol, Volume 46, Issue 1, Number 26, p.16-26 ( ...

Immunogenicity and efficacy of a tuberculosis DNA vaccine encoding the components of the secreted antigen 85 complex.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Lozes, E; Huygen, K; Content, J; Denis, O; Montgomery, D L; Yawman, A M; Vandenbussche, P; Van Vooren, J P; Drowart, A; Ulmer, J B; Liu, M A Source: Vaccine, Volume 15, Issue 8, Number 833, p.830 ...

Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a tuberculosis DNA vaccine.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Huygen, K; Content, J; Denis, O; Montgomery, D L; Yawman, A M; Deck, R R; DeWitt, C M; Orme, I M; Baldwin, S; D'Souza, C; Drowart, A; Lozes, E; Vandenbussche, P; Van Vooren, J P; Liu, M A; U ...

In vivo interleukin-4 regulation of antibody responses in euthymic and athymic mice to a T-independent antigen (hydroxyethyl starch).

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Macedo-Soares, F; Latinne, D; Denis, O; Bazin, H Source: Int Arch Allergy Immunol, Volume 110, Issue 2, Number 181, p.174-81 (1996) Keywords: Animals Antibodies, Bacterial Antibodies, Monoclonal ...

In vivo study of mIgM and mIgD cross-linking on murine B cells.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Denis, O; Macedo-Soares, F; Latinne, D; Nisol, F; Bazin, H Source: Scand J Immunol, Volume 39, Issue 6, Number 632, p.625-32 (1994) Keywords: Animals Antibodies, Monoclonal Antibody Affinity B-Ly ...

Resting B cells can act as antigen presenting cells in vivo and induce antibody responses.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Denis, O; Latinne, D; Nisol, F; Bazin, H Source: Int Immunol, Volume 5, Issue 1, Number 78, p.71-8 (1993) Keywords: 2,4-Dinitrophenol Animals Antibodies, Monoclonal Antibody Formation Antigen-Pre ...

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