Search results - 3 results

The impact of viral tropism and housing conditions on the transmission of three H5/H7 low pathogenic avian influenza viruses in chickens.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Claes, G; Welby, S; Thierry van den Berg; Van Der Stede, Y; Dewulf, J; Lambrecht, B; Marché, S Source: Epidemiol Infect, Volume 141, Issue ...

Redesigning the serological surveillance program for notifiable avian influenza in Belgian professional poultry holdings.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Welby, Sarah; Thierry van den Berg; Sylvie Marché; Houdart, Philippe; Hooyberghs, Jozef; Mintiens, Koen Source: Avian Dis, Volume 54, ...

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