Search results - 18 results

Estimated number of lives directly saved by COVID-19 vaccination programmes in the WHO European Region from December, 2020, to March, 2023: a retrospective surveillance study.

Pebody, Richard; WHO European Respiratory Surveillance Network Source: Lancet Respir Med, Volume 12, Issue 9 (2024) Keywords: Adult Aged Aged, 80 and over COVID-19 COVID-19 Vaccines Europe Female Humans ...

Bulletin infections respiratoires aiguës semaine 10-2025- Publié 12/03/25

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Claire Brugerolles; Sébastien Fierens; Laurane De Mot; Mathil Vandromme; Yinthe Dockx; Nathalie Bossuyt; Sarah Denayer; Anna Parys; François Dufrasne; Sven Hanoteaux ...

Predictive model for BNT162b2 vaccine response in cancer patients based on blood cytokines and growth factorsBackgroundMethodsResultsConclusionDataSheet_1.docx

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Konnova, Angelina; De Winter, Fien H. R.; Gupta, Akshita; Verbruggen, Lise; Hotterbeekx, An; Berkell, Matilda; Teuwen, Laure-Anne; Vanhoutte, Greetje; Peeters, Bart; Raats, Silke; Massen, Isolde ...

Third dose of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine closes the gap in immune response between naïve nursing home residents and healthy adults.

Verbrugghe, Mathieu; Van Loon, Nele; Dierick, Katelijne; Matagne, André; Desombere, Isabelle; Ariën, Kevin K; Marchant, Arnaud; Maria Goossens Source: Vaccine, Volume 41, Issue 17 (2023) Keywords: Adult ...

Prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the general population in Belgium: Results of the second data collection (28/09/21-23/02/22)

2 (27/09-24/10) the percentage of adults (18 years or older) with anti- SARS-CoV-2 antibodies has increased from 69.5% to 90.4%. This substantial increase is in line with the intensive vaccination campaign during ...

Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses against SARS-CoV-2 after Third Dose BNT162b2 following Double-Dose Vaccination with BNT162b2 versus ChAdOx1 in Patients with CancerPurpose:Experimental Design:Results:Conclusions:

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Debie, Yana; Van Audenaerde, Jonas R.M.; Vandamme, Timon; Croes, Lieselot; Teuwen, Laure-Anne; Verbruggen, Lise; Vanhoutte, Greetje; Marcq, Elly; Verheggen, Lisa; Le Blon, Debbie; Peeters, Bart; ...

Prevalence of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies and Potential Determinants among the Belgian Adult Population: Baseline Results of a Prospective Cohort Study

period, which coincided with the onset of the vaccination campaign, the seroprevalence in the population increased from 25.2% in March/April to 78.1% in July. Among the vaccinated there was an increase from ...

Prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the general population in Belgium: First results of the SalivaHIS study

community dwelling population aged 18 years and above had developed anti- SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. This percentage was 98.9% among fully vaccinated people (since at least 2 weeks before being tested) and 28.9% ...

Monitoring of human coronaviruses in Belgian primary care and hospitals, 2015-20: a surveillance study.

care and in possible future vaccination strategies, and co-infections in children younger than 5 years should be considered during diagnosis and treatment. Our findings support the use of national ...

Consultations Corona: Participation citoyenne à la politique Belge de vaccination

COVID-19 participation citoyenne Vaccination Abstract: Le but des consultations corona était de faire en sorte que différents groupes de citoyens belges puissent délibérer d’une manière informée sur les ...

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