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Search results - 4 results

Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in domestic sheep in Belgium.

Antwerp (65.2%) and Wallonia (68.6%) are statistically lower than in the other regions in Belgium (96.7-97.8%) (P <0.05). The present study is the first report that analyzed the prevalence of T. gondii ...

Fortification of bread with iodized salt corrected iodine deficiency in school-aged children, but not in their mothers: a national cross-sectional survey in Belgium.

mothers. The median UIC among children was substantially greater compared to more than 10 years ago (80 μg/L; p <0.001). The median UIC in school-aged children was lower in Wallonia than in Flanders (p ...

Does a small difference in iodine status among children in two regions of Belgium translate into a different prevalence of thyroid nodular diseases in adults?

concentration (UIC) was higher than in Wallonia, 84 μg/L (n = 1,316) and 78 μg/L (n = 1,268), respectively (p < 0.001). There were no differences in goiter prevalence and thyroid volume between the regions ...

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