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How To: Identify Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterium Species By Using Maldi-Tof Mass Spectrometry.
identified within minutes using this inexpensive, user-friendly methodology. However, its application on the identification of mycobacteria isolates has been hampered by the structure of their cell wall. ...
Chemometrical analysis of fingerprints for the detection of counterfeit and falsified medicines
problem.Next, the concept of fingerprinting and the basicprinciples of chemometrics are explained, followed by adescription of the successful application of fingerprints inthe field of Pharmacognosy. The last ...
Oral vaccination of wildlife using a vaccinia-rabies-glycoprotein recombinant virus vaccine (RABORAL V-RG(®)): a global review.
consumption by target species. Field application of RABORAL V- RG has contributed to the elimination of wildlife rabies from three European countries (Belgium, France and Luxembourg) and of the dog/coyote ...
Advanced Methods for Dose and Regimen Finding During Drug Development: Summary of the EMA/EFPIA Workshop on Dose Finding (London 4-5 December 2014).
as challenges for their implementation. Some applications in different therapeutic areas are also summarized, in line with the discussions at the workshop. There was agreement at the workshop on the ...
Commentary on the MID3 Good Practices Paper.
Model-Informed Drug Discovery and Development (MID3) group in promoting greater consistency in practice, application, and documentation of M&S and considers the paper is an important contribution towards ...
Fusarium, clinical relevance and mass spectrometry methods for identification, using strains of the Belgian fungal culture collection BCCM/IHEM
development of a new identification method for mold infections which is directly applicable on clinical samples and relies upon the detection of species- and genus-specific peptides using tandem mass ...
Survey on the Use of Whole-Genome Sequencing for Infectious Diseases Surveillance: Rapid Expansion of European National Capacities, 2015-2016.
public health reference laboratories in 22 and 25 countries had access to WGS-based typing for public health applications in 2015 and 2016, respectively. Reported reasons for limited or no access were lack ...
Declining offloading rates in Belgian Recognized Diabetic Foot Clinics (RDFC): results from an audit-feedback quality improvement initiative.
barriers towards a correct application of gold standard offloading techniques. Health Topics: Diabetes Diabète Diabetes Quality of healthcare Qualité des soins de santé Kwaliteit van de gezondheidszorg ...
Characterization of three commercial ELISA kits for detection of BOHV-1 gE specific antibodies in serum and milk samples and applicability of bulk milk for determination of herd status.
et using milk samples and the DS p to 0,95 for IDEXX, 1,00 for IDV et and CIV- HIPRA. The applicability of gE ELISA for individual or bulk milk testing as an additional tool in control programs ...
A dose-escalation study of combretastatin A4-phosphate in healthy dogs.
healthy dogs as a prerequisite to application of CA4P in dogs with cancer. Ten healthy dogs were included. The effects of escalating doses of CA4P on physical, haematological and biochemical parameters, ...