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Search results - 432 results

In vitro Dermal Absorption of Hydroquinone: Protocol Validation and Applicability on Illegal Skin-Whitening Cosmetics.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Bart Desmedt; Ates, Gamze; Patricia Courselle; De Beer, Jacques O; Rogiers, Vera; Hendrickx, Benoit; Eric Deconinck; De Paepe, Kristien Source: Skin Pharmacol Physiol, Volume 29, Issue 6, p.300-3 ...

Capture-Recapture Estimators in Epidemiology with Applications to Pertussis and Pneumococcal Invasive Disease Surveillance.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Toon Braeye; Verhaegen, Jan; Mignon, Annick; Flipse, Wim; Piérard, Denis; Huygen, Kris; Schirvel, Carole; Hens, Niel Source: PLoS One, Volume 11, Issue 8, p.e0159832 (2016) Keywords: Adult Epidem ...

Surveillance of Infectious Diseases by the Sentinel Laboratory Network in Belgium: 30 Years of Continuous Improvement.

adaptations to data collection were made due to changes in diagnostic methods and public health priorities, introduction and application of digital revolution, and multiple reorganizations of the laboratories. ...

Symposium NGS 2016- Liquid Biopsies

oncology personalized medicine treatment Abstract: Liquid biopsies • Amazing principles/ technologies • Many relevant applications • Burden of proof • How to navigate the (hyped) market? Health Topics:  ...

Study of the possible migration risks of food contact materials for children under 3 years

and DCM-n-hexane (1:1) were the most efficient extraction solvents. Consequently, there was opted for the nonchlorinated solvents and EtOAc-n-hexane (1:1) was selected for the application to real ...

Initiative pour la Promotion de la Qualité et l’Epidémiologie du Diabète sucré- Rapport résultats 2014

effectué au moyen d‘une application web, comportant une série d’information à remplir, accessible par chaque centre à l’aide de la plate-forme publique eHealth. Les patients de l’échantillon ont été ...

Brominated flame retardants in Belgian foodstuffs- recent evaluation by a novel UPLC-MS/MS method

silica gel and dispersive solid-phase extraction with C18 and carbon sorbents were used to eliminate lipids, pigments and eventually other matrix components from the extract. The method is applicable to ...

Migration of photoinitiators from cardboard into dry food: evaluation of Tenax® as a food simulant.

packaging materials used in food applications such as cardboards for the packaging of dry foods. Conventional migration testing for long-term storage at ambient temperature with Tenax(®) was applied to ...

Application of LC-MS/MS MRM to Determine Staphylococcal Enterotoxins (SEB and SEA) in Milk.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Mirjana Andjelkovic; Tsilia, Varvara; Rajkovic, Andreja; Koen De Cremer; Joris Van Loco Source: Toxins (Basel), Volume 8, Issue 4, p.118 (2016) Keywords: Animals Chromatography, Liquid Enterotoxi ...

Next-generation sequencing workflows in veterinary infection biology: towards validation and quality assurance.

This paper defines the potential diagnostic value and purposes of next-generation sequencing (NGS) applications in veterinary infection biology and explores their compatibility with the existing ...

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