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Search results - 432 results
Antimicrobial resistance in ESBL and indicator E.coli, Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Enterococcus faecalis and faecium isolated from food and food-producing animals (primary production) in 2022
EUCAST (European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing). In 2022, the European Commission Implementing Decision 2020/1729 of the 17th of November 2020 was applicable for the determination of ...
RE-Place: A Unique Project Collecting Expertise on New Approach Methodologies
a fast and consistent manner. Based on this template, a web-based application was developed to facilitate the entry of information, which was evaluated in a pilot study by experts in the field of NAM s. ...
Shotgun metagenomics as a ONE Health tool for better protecting human health
species in various concentrations and carrying AMR and/or virulence genes, taking the specific need of each application into account. Moreover, the short read and long read approaches are being compared to ...
Unravelling data for rapid evidence-based response to COVID-19: a summary of the unCoVer protocol
described, harmonised and integrated into a multi-user data repository operated through Opal-DataSHIELD, an interoperable open-source server application. Federated data analyses, without sharing or disclosing ...
Providing Measurement, Evaluation, Accountability, and Leadership Support (MEALS) for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention in Ghana: Project Protocol
Ghana. It demonstrates feasibility and the innovative application of the INFORMAS expanded food promotion and food provision modules, together with the integration of the CRM in a lower-middle income ...
Capacity building in European health information systems: the InfAct peer assessment methodology.
addressed health information inequalities. This study confirms the value and relatively easy to implement methodology, and therefore recommends its wide and more systematic application across Europe. Health ...
Use of near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics for the classification of different Cannabis spp. samples found in Belgium
and Other Illegal Medicines: 4th Symposium for OMCLs: New trends, new frontiers, EDQM, Issue EDQM, Rome, Italy (2022) Abstract: Introduction Cannabis is known for a variety of applications e.g.. in the ...
Development, Validation and Application of a Targeted LC-MS Method for Quantification of Microcystins and Nodularin: Towards a Better Characterization of Drinking Water
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Wannes Van Hassel; Bart Huybrechts; Julien Masquelier; Annick Wilmotte; Mirjana Andjelkovic Source: Water, Volume 14, Issue 8 (2022) Keywords: liquid chromatography Mass Spectrometry matrix effec ...
Directive Pratique pour la mise en place d'un système qualité dans les laboratoires d'anatomie pathologique agréés dans le cadre de l'Arrêté d'agrément
au niveau performance, et ce dans un système de qualité approprié conforme à la norme ISO 15189 ou, le cas échéant, avec les dispositions nationales applicables. Ces dispositions nationales applicables ...
Development, validation and application of multi-class methods for the analysis of food additives by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Pauline Detry; Pauline Willame; Els Van Hoeck; Joris Van Loco; Séverine Goscinny Source: Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, Volume 39, Issue 8 (2022) Keywords: Beverages colours dairies F ...