Search results - 10 results

A validation methodology for size and shape measurement of nanoplastics by transmission electron microscopy

to the higher degree of polydispersity. For the AR, the intermediate precision is below 1% for all materials and measurands. The main source of uncertainty is related to the trueness uncertainty for ...

Analyzing the airborne birch and grass pollen monitoring network in Belgium

performs well with respect to the spatio-temporal reference dataset for birch pollen derived from SILAM. Over 78% of daily RMSE values for birch pollen are below their mean value, with more than 99% achieved ...

Modelling grass pollen load in temperate and Mediterranean European areas based on source spatial distribution

Pollen Integral (API n) for stations in the Iberian Peninsula and Central Europe was calculated for a minimum of 10 years during the last two decades. Years with API n values below the 10th percentile and ...

Influenza like-illness surveillance using a Belgian sentinel network of nursing homes: results of October 2022 onwards

(week 16), the incidence remained below the low threshold (7 per 1,000 residents per week). From August 28, 2023 (week 35) onwards, ILI incidence increased again with the approaching start of the flu ...

Occurrence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and emerging halogenated flame retardants in food items

environment, rather than its transfer from plastic used for packaging. For the other compounds, the results showed a generally low contamination of all analyzed food samples, with values generally below LOQ. ...

Analysis of glyphosate residue in liver by UPLC-MS/MS

/1257½013 criteria. The quantification is performed by isotopic dilution leading to very good validation data with a mean recovery close to 100% and a RSD below 10%. Service:  Éléments traces et nanomatériaux ...

Analysis of chlormequat residue in milk by UPLC-MS/MS

at the LOQ and at a higher level (10 times LOQ  — 0.25 mg/kg). Results show a recovery of approximately 100% (between 100.6 and 103.0) with a repeatability and in-house reproducibility below 10%. These ...

Effect of household and industrial processing on levels of some pesticide residues in carrots

with a large quantity of water, enhanced the elimination of residues. Even residual concentrations were below 5 ppb, it was observed that microwave cooking did not reduce the level of residues while ...

Accumulation-depuration potential and natural occurrence of Microcystin-LR toxin in basil

replicates were included and the whole experiment was repeated two times. These results were corroborated by both the ELISA and HRLCMS at the highest treatment condition. Moreover, MC- LR was detected below ...

Trends in Hospital Antibacterial Consumption in Belgium (2017-2021): Evaluating the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

to regress below the forecasted levels in 2021 (Figure 1). Contrary to results obtained using the widely applied country’s population as the denominator, a notable surge in AMC, particularly for ...

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