Search results - 3 results

Study of the possible migration risks of food contact materials for children under 3 years

recoveries and matrix effects). Analysis of the 3rd migration step of the standard migration conditions (3 migrations, 2 h at 70°C) applied on the baby bottles (which has to comply with the EU legislative ...

Evaluation of the migration of chemicals from baby bottles under standardised and duration testing conditions.

toxicity assessment, the most toxic migrating compounds were selected to be monitored and quantified using validated GC- and LC-QqQ- MS methods. The effect of several ‘real-life-use conditions’, such as ...

Beyond the scoop: investigating potential allergen risks when buying food in bulk

gap, a web survey has been designed to collect information on the use of containers, storage conditions, selling practices, and any potential allergenic risks due to cross-contamination. The survey ...

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