Search results - 31 results

Methods for meta-analysis and meta-regression of binomial data: concepts and tutorial with Stata command metapreg

essential in understanding statistical methods for meta-analysis of binomial proportions and describe the models implemented in metapreg. We then describe and demonstrate the models in metapreg using data ...

Unlocking the genomic landscape: Results of the Beyond 1 Million Genomes (B1MG) pilot in Belgium towards Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI)

Belgium Beyond 1 Million Genomes Genomic Data Infrastructure implementation Abstract: Abstract Genomic medicine has great potential to offer insights into how humans’ genetic variation can affect their ...

Global and regional estimates of genital human papillomavirus prevalence among men: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

increased risk of HPV infection, exclusively conducted among circumcised men, and based on urine or semen samples. We screened identified reports and extracted summary-level data from those that were ...

Evaluating the health and health economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on delayed cancer care in Belgium: A Markov model study protocol

costs) and administrative databases (epidemiological data and direct medical costs). One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses are proposed to consider uncertainty in the input parameters and to ...

Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of the diagnostic test accuracy of host and HPV DNA methylation in cervical cancer screening and management.

with 95% CI s; we will employ different bivariate models to estimate sensitivity and specificity at different thresholds if sufficient data per threshold. For insufficient data, the hierarchical summary ...

The Belgian DNA Debate: An Online Deliberative Platform on the Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues of Genomics

share their data and caution towards the harm and abuses this may engender. Finally, contributors formulated some recommendations for the responsible implementation of genomics. Discussion and Conclusion: ...

Citizens' conceptions of the genome: Related values and practical implications in a citizen forum on the use of genomic information

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Chloé Mayeur; Wannes Van Hoof Source: Health Expectations, Volume 24, Issue 2 (2021) Keywords: citizen participation genomic data ...

Algorithms for molecular testing in solid tumours

different molecular tests per cancer type are represented in algorithms and are annotated with a test level reflecting their relevance based on current guidelines, drug approvals and clinical data. The ...

Molecular test algorithms for breast tumours

the shape of algorithms, are annotated with test levels — which aim to reflect their relevance based on current available data and to define the reimbursement — and are documented with recent ...

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