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Search results - 868 results

Assessment of the clinical and analytical performance of the Aptima SARS-CoV-2 assay using the VALCOR protocol.

of 180 clinical samples were tested with an addition of 40 diluted clinical specimens to determine the limit of detection. When compared to the standard comparator assay Aptima had a sensitivity of ...

Comparison of Serological Methods for Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus-Specific Antibody Detection in Wild Boar and Sheep: Impact of the Screening Approach on the Estimated Seroprevalence.

prevalence in our sample set was 8.6% when determined by PRNT. When the screening approach of ELISA testing followed by PRNT confirmation was applied, a TBEV seroprevalence of only 2.0% and 1.7% was found. The ...

Environmental degradation and the increasing burden of allergic disease: The need to determine the impact of nitrogen pollution

result in an escalating burden of allergic disease. It is urgently needed to quantify the impact of nitrogen pollution on plant and pollen traits that determine allergenicity and symptom severity to ...

Non-response bias in the analysis of the association between mental health and the urban environment: a cross-sectional study in Brussels, Belgium

non-response and potential determinants was explored through logistic regressions. Results Participants with low income, low educational levels, lower or higher age or in households with children were less ...

Estimating Years of Life Lost due to COVID-19 over the first two years of the pandemic in Cyprus: comparisons across areas, age, and sex

estimated. We aimed to determine YLL linked to COVID-19 over the first two years (March 2020–March 2022) of the pandemic in Cyprus, by areas, and by age and sex. COVID-19 YLL was estimated by multiplying ...

SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and determinants for salivary seropositivity among pupils and school staff: a prospective cohort study

151 (2023) Keywords: Cohort DETERMINANTS oral samples SARS-CoV-2 Schools serology Abstract: Representative school data on SARS-CoV-2 past-infection are scarce, and differences between pupils and staff ...

Aluminium intake through the consumption of selected baby foods and risk characterization in a population of Brazilian infants aged 0 to 36 months

combining mean levels of Al in 171 samples of baby foods (infant formula, meat/vegetable purees, fruit purees, petit-suisse and cereals), analytically determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission ...

Within-Person Associations of Accelerometer-Assessed Physical Activity With Time-Varying Determinants in Older Adults: Time-Based Ecological Momentary Assessment

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Maes, Iris; Mertens, Lieze; Poppe, Louise; Vetrovsky, Tomas; Crombez, Geert; De Backere, Femke; Brondeel, Ruben; Van Dyck, Delfien Source: JMIR Aging, Volume 6 (2023) Full text language:  English ...

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