Search results - 5 results

Dietary exposure assessment and risk characterization of citrinin and ochratoxin A in Belgium

problem. To ensure public health, it is imperative to characterize the risks related to these toxins. The present study aims to conduct a dietary exposure assessment of citrinin (CIT) and ochratoxin A (OTA) ...

Carry-over of some Fusarium mycotoxins in tissues and eggs of chickens fed experimentally mycotoxin-contaminated diets

at a very low degree, thus marginally contribute to the total dietary intake of these fusariotoxins for consumers. Nevertheless, taking precautionary measures in the field, harvest, transport and ...

Complete coding sequence of a novel picorna-like virus in a blackbird infected with Usutu virus.

specific for ORF1 confirmed the presence of high levels of this novel virus in the original sample. Nucleotide composition analysis suggests that blackbird arilivirus is of dietary (plant) origin. Health ...

Risks for animal health related to the presence of zearalenone and its modified forms in feed

CONTAM Panel in 2016 were used. The dietary exposure was estimated on 17,706 analytical results with high proportions of left-censored data (ZEN about 60%, ZAN about 70%, others close to 100%). Samples for ...

Potential impact of fertilization practices on human dietary intake of dioxins in Belgium.

scenario. Increases in human dietary intake of dioxin are estimated to be lower than 1% for conventional rearing methods (i.e. grazing animals are reared outdoor while pigs and poultry are reared indoor). ...

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