Search results - 41 results
Associations of heat with diseases and specific symptoms in Flanders, Belgium: An 8-year retrospective study of general practitioner registration data.
Flanders, Belgium. METHODS: We used eight years (2012-2019) of aggregated data of daily GP visits during the Belgian summer period (May-September). A distributed lag nonlinear model (DLNM) with time-stratified ...
A validation methodology for size and shape measurement of nanoplastics by transmission electron microscopy
distribution of particles on the grid was achieved for all materials. Material 3060A is polydisperse with particle sizes ranging from 10 nm to 70 nm. Materials 3200A and 3500A are more uniform in size, however, ...
Characterization of functional nanoparticles applied in face masks by STEM-EDX
a statistically relevant size distribution but their sizes range from 5-200 nm and they have a spheroidal shape. Even though only 4 masks were selected for evaluation of incorporated TiO2 particles, TiO2 was ...
What drives the long-term changes in airborne birch and grass pollen levels in Belgium?
meteorological data. 2. Updated Scenario (ii): SILAM was run for 38 seasons with dynamically updated pollen emission maps derived from multi-decadal spaceborne NDVI data, forest inventory, and grass distribution maps. ...
Analyzing the airborne birch and grass pollen monitoring network in Belgium
Belgium. The interpolated values were compared to a reference dataset containing spatio-temporal distributions of daily surface airborne birch and grass pollen levels from the SILAM model (System for ...
Modelling grass pollen load in temperate and Mediterranean European areas based on source spatial distribution
remotely sensed products provided by the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. The combination of different products allowed us to characterise the spatial distribution of different grass-dominated habitats, ...
Surveillance de la mortalité toutes causes confondues en Belgique, Flandre, Wallonie et Bruxelles durant les hivers 2020-2021 et 2021-2022. Be-MOMO: the Belgian Mortality Monitoring.
000 habitants). Lorsque l’on prend en compte la distribution de la population par âge et par sexe, et que nous observons les taux de mortalité standardisés, nous constatons que la Wallonie reste en tête avec un ...
The search for the best airborne pollen monitoring locations
Here we explore the network quality (i) and network coverage (ii) of the current five pollen monitoring stations in Belgium. As reference dataset we use the spatio-temporal distributions of daily surface ...
Development of novel analytical methods to trace small micro- and nanoplastics in food matrices
larger MP s in terms of occurrence, distribution, quantification, and toxicological effects on humans identifying food as their main intake source. Nowadays, research interest is going towards MP s with ...
Quality control and correction method for air temperature data from a citizen science weather station network in Leuven, Belgium
“Leuven.cool” network, a citizen science network of around 100 low-cost weather stations (Fine Offset WH2600) distributed across Leuven, Belgium ( N, E). The dataset is accompanied by a newly developed ...