Search results - 105 results

Cluster pattern analysis of environmental stressors and quantifying their impact on all-cause mortality in Belgium

all-cause mortality rates (ASMR) and environmental stressors. Our research found that especially very high air pollution values in areas where traffic is the dominant local component of air pollution (ASMR ...

Vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 hospitalisation in adults (≥ 20 years) during Alpha- and Delta-dominant circulation: I-MOVE-COVID-19 and VEBIS SARI VE networks, Europe, 2021

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Rose, Angela MC; Nicolay, Nathalie; Sandonis Martín, Virginia; Mazagatos, Clara; Petrović, Goranka; Niessen, F Annabel; Machado, Ausenda; Launay, Odile; Sarah Denayer; Seyler, Lucie; Baruch, Joaq ...

Vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 hospitalisation in adults (≥ 20 years) during Omicron-dominant circulation: I-MOVE-COVID-19 and VEBIS SARI VE networks, Europe, 2021 to 2022

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Rose, Angela MC; Nicolay, Nathalie; Sandonis Martín, Virginia; Mazagatos, Clara; Petrović, Goranka; Baruch, Joaquin; Sarah Denayer; Seyler, Lucie; Domegan, Lisa; Launay, Odile; Machado, Ausenda; ...

Association between SARS-CoV-2 variants and post COVID-19 condition: findings from a longitudinal cohort study in the Belgian adult population

as well as PCC symptoms categories was assessed using multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: The proportion of PCC among participants infected during the Alpha, Delta, and Omicron-dominant periods ...

Surveillance épidémiologique des infections invasives à méningocoques, Neisseria Meningitidis- 2022

dominant et représentait 65,1 % des cas (28/43 cas). La proportion de cas liés au sérogroupe W a été nettement moins importante en 2022 avec 7,0 % des cas (¾3) en comparaison avec les années précédentes (29 ...

Virological surveillance report of the NRC influenza for season 2022-2023

co-circulated without clear dominance. SARS-CoV-2 virus continued to circulate during the whole period but a higher intensity of circulation was detected in March 2023, as well as in August 2023. Parainfluenza ...

Virological surveillance report of the NRC influenza for season 2021-2022

epidemic wave in Spring, so later than pre- COVID season. Seasonal influenza A viruses of the H3N2 subtype clearly dominated over the H1N1 subtype and the influenza B viruses. SARS-CoV-2 virus continued to ...

COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic infection and hospitalisation in Belgium, July 2021 to May 2022.

only.ConclusionWe report waning and a significant decrease in VE i and VE h from Delta to Omicron-dominant periods. Booster vaccination and prior infection attenuated these effects. Health Topics:  Effectiveness and ...

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