Search results - 105 results

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi Producing CTX-M-15 Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

strain carried a plasmid-mediated CTX-M-15 ESBL gene and did not belong to the dominant H58 Salmonella Typhi clade. Manuscript versions:  DOI: File:  Version:  Published ...

High relative humidity pre-harvest reduces post-harvest proliferation of Salmonella in tomatoes.

experiments. Across all datasets, regression trees confirmed the dominant effect of harvest time on Salmonella proliferation, with humidity-related factors emerging as the most important underlying climatic ...

Dietary exposure to pyrrolizidine alkaloids in young children and adults from the Belgian population (PASFOOD)

the data reported by EFSA, the contamination in food items of animal origin (milk, dairy products & meat products) was dominated by N-oxides, which calls in question the results reported in previous ...

World Health Organization estimates of the relative contributions of food to the burden of disease due to selected foodborne hazards: A structured expert elicitation

reservoir, where human-to-human transmission (e.g. Shigella spp. and Norovirus) or waterborne transmission (e.g. Salmonella Typhi and Vibrio cholerae) were judged to dominate. For many pathogens, the foodborne ...

Imported human brucellosis in Belgium: Bio and molecular typing of bacterial isolates, 1996-2015.

associated to each biovar, but it allowed retrieving precious epidemiological information. The analysis highlighted the imported nature of the strains from all over the world with a dominant part from the ...

Lactarius subgenus Russularia (Basidiomycota, Russulales): novel Asian species, worldwide phylogeny and evolutionary relationships.

almost worldwide and dominant in many ecosystems. In this study we focus on new diversity, evolutionary relationships, divergence time, and origin of the subgenus. Six conifer symbionts are described as ...

Assessment of an ELISA for serodiagnosis of active pulmonary tuberculosis in Cuban population.37027

SENSITIVITY Sensitivity and Specificity specificity Tuberculosis Abstract: An ELISA using a multi-antigen mix containing recombinant immuno-dominant antigens of Service:  Immune response Réponse immunitaire ...

Multi locus variable-number tandem repeat (MLVA) typing tools improved the surveillance of Salmonella enteritidis: a 6 years retrospective study.

surveillance in Belgium. Phage types PT4, PT8, PT21, PT1, PT6, PT14 b, PT28 and PT13 dominate the Belgian S. Enteritidis population. The isolates of S. Enteritidis were most frequently susceptible to all ...

Start of the 2014/15 influenza season in Europe: drifted influenza A(H3N2) viruses circulate as dominant subtype36933

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Broberg,E.; Snacken,R.; Adlhoch,C.; Beaute,J.; Galinska,M.; Pereyaslov,D.; Brown,C.; Penttinen,P.; WHO European Region and the European Influenza Surveillance Network Source: Euro.Surveill, Volum ...

Trends in serotype distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility in Salmonella enterica isolates from humans in Belgium, 2009 to 2013.

and December 2013. Although 377 different serotypes were identified, the landscape is dominated by S. enterica serovars Typhimurium (55%) and Enteritidis (19%) in a ratio which is inverse to European ...

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