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Possible routes of introduction of bluetongue virus serotype 8 into the epicentre of the 2006 epidemic in north-western Europe.
the Area of First Infection (AFI), which occurred before and during the onset of the epidemic, were investigated in order to establish the conditions for the introduction of this virus. All inbound ...
Establishing the spread of bluetongue virus at the end of the 2006 epidemic in Belgium.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Estelle Méroc; Faes, C; Herr, C; Staubach, C; Verheyden, B; Vanbinst, T; Frank Vandenbussche; Hooyberghs, J; Aerts, M; Kris De Clercq; Mintiens, K Source: Vet Microbiol, Volume 131, Issue 1-2, p. ...
Sequence analysis of bluetongue virus serotype 8 from the Netherlands 2006 and comparison to other European strains.
been established. Health Topics: Animal health Category: A1 FOS Classification: 4.03 Veterinary science ...
Avian influenza outbreak management: action at time of confirmation, depopulation and disposal methods; the 'Belgian experience' during the H7N7 highly pathogenic avian influenza epidemic in 2003.
concern with all H5 and H7 strains and in particular with the highly pathogenic H5N1 strain. Researchers and commercial poultry companies in the United States recently established that non-toxic water-based ...
Doublecortin as a marker of adult neuroplasticity in the canary song control nucleus HVC.
Prosencephalon Testosterone Vocalization, Animal Abstract: It is established that in songbirds the size of several brain song control nuclei varies seasonally, based on changes in cell size, dendritic branching ...
Hygiene indicator microorganisms for selected pathogens on beef, pork, and poultry meats in Belgium25
e Enterobacteriaceae Escherichia coli Establish food Food Chain Food Contamination Food Handling Food Microbiology general Humans Hygiene im Indicator Indicators IS isolation & purification journal Laboratories Meat ...
Real-time laboratory exercises to test contingency plans for classical swine fever: experiences from two national laboratories.
facilities needed for the rapid and efficient eradication of the outbreak is guaranteed, and that the procedures to follow are well rehearsed. It is essential that these plans are established during ...
Association of myocarditis with high viral load of porcine circovirus type 2 in several tissues in cases of fetal death and high mortality in piglets. A case study.
of 1.5 months, a newly established pig herd experienced a high number of mummifications and stillbirths, a high neonatal mortality rate, and many piglets with congenital tremors or hind leg ataxia. ...
Evidence of indirect transmission of classical swine fever virus through contacts with people.
of disinfection or hygiene was established. Fifteen days after the pigs were inoculated, infection was detected in one contact pig, and it was concluded that under the conditions of the experiment CSF ...
A seven-year survey of Campylobacter contamination in meat at different production stages in Belgium28
meat and carcasses from slaughterhouses, production plants and retail level. An introductory study from 1997 to 1999, had the purpose of establishing the optimum dilution to detect changes in prevalence ...