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Search results - 370 results
Cystathionine pathway-dependent cytotoxicities of diethyl maleate and diamide in rat and human hepatoma-derived cell cultures
processes. It was previously established that L-buthionine S,R-sulphoximine (BSO), a specific inhibitor of (- glutamylcysteine synthetase, reduces the GSH content more efficiently in rat (Fa32) than in human ...
Cervical cancer screening in Belgium.
positive tests. The implementation of the programme is confined to the provinces that are instructed to make women and physicians aware of the screening policy. The establishment of a screening register, ...
Production of bovine herpesvirus type 1-seronegative latent carriers by administration of a live-attenuated vaccine in passively immunized calves.
1 (BHV-1) were investigated. The ts strain established acute and latent infections in all vaccinated calves either with or without passive immunity. Four of seven calves vaccinated under passive immunity ...
Le protocole sur la biosécurité: test de crédibilité pour l'avenir de la Convention sur la diversité biologique?
borders.The need for such an international instrument was recognised for the first time during the negotiations of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). This led to the establishment an Open-ended Ad ...
PCNA and Ki67 proliferation markers as criteria for prediction of clinical behaviour of melanocytic tumours in cats and dogs.
were associated with decreased survival time (P=0.027 and P=0.024, respectively). Moreover, the established cytological classification also proved to be associated with the survival time (P <0.001). ...
Detection of foot-and-mouth disease by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and virus isolation in contact sheep without clinical signs of foot-and-mouth disease.
2 to 4 days pi for the infected sheep and between 5 to 10 days pc for the contact animals. It was established that in subclinically infected sheep, with a very low amount of virus present, FMD viral RNA ...
Optimization of an antibiotic residue screening test, based on inhibition of Bacillus subtilis BGA, with experimental design
groups were measured. An optimized multi-residue test was established with the parameter values that yielded the best sensitivity for the four substances Service: Geneesmiddelen en gezondheidsproducten ...
Proposed guidelines for the internal quality control of analytical results in the medical laboratory132
Volume 34, Issue 12, Number 999, p.983- 999 (1996) Keywords: a ALL an article AS aspects Combination Common conditions consequences Control definition denmark detection distribution Establish external ...
On establishment of common reference intervals in laboratory medicine134
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Petersen,P.H.; C.G. Fraser; Ricos,C.; Stockl,D.; Libeer,J.C.; Baadenhuijsen,H.; L.M. Thienpont Source: Eur.J.Clin.Chem.Clin.Biochem., Volume 34, Issue 6, Number 516, p.515- 516 (1996) Keywords: C ...
Resting B cells can act as antigen presenting cells in vivo and induce antibody responses.
G Immunoglobulin M Immunoglobulins Interleukin-4 mice Mice, Inbred BALB C Mice, Nude Transfection Vaccination Abstract: Although it is well established that B lymphocytes are able to present antigen in vitro, the ...