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Personal characteristics and transmission dynamics associated with SARS-CoV-2 semi-quantitative PCR test results: an observational study from Belgium, 2021-2022.

effectiveness (VE) against a high viral load (≥10 copies/mL) was estimated from the adjusted probabilities. Contact tracing involves the mandatory testing of high-risk exposure contacts (HREC) after contact with ...

What drives the long-term changes in airborne birch and grass pollen levels in Belgium?

for daily pollen levels and meteorological inputs (1982–2019). The association between trends in pollen and meteorology was estimated using Kendall correlation for each model grid cell. Results- ...

Estimating the Uncertainty in Airborne Birch Pollen Modelling

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Verstraeten WW; Nicolas Bruffaerts; Kouznetsov R; Sofiev M; Delcloo AW Source: World Aerobiology Conference 2024, University of Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania (2024) Keywords: pollen Ab ...

First European pollen reanalysis for allergenic trees

long-term assessment of pollen abundance in the air is therefore useful for epidemiological studies, to track the biodiversity and ecosystem evolution, and may also help to estimate the species migration ...

Impact of environmental nitrogen enrichment on birch pollen allergy

(10/63) and Belgium (10/35) over a nitrogen deposition gradient, a significantly higher estimated reactivity was observed in samples with lower predicted nitrogen deposition (BAT AUC estimated effect for ...

Holography-based aerobiological monitoring: a 2-year intercomparison campaign versus the standard Hirst method in Brussels, Belgium

Keywords: pollen Abstract: Around 10% of the Belgian population is allergic to the pollen emitted by trees of the Betulaceae family (birch, alder, hazel and hornbeam) and an estimated 18% to grass pollen. To ...

Metabarcoding and metagenomics techniques in monitoring airborne pollen

Traditionally, pollen concentrations in the air are estimated from analyses based on identification and quantification using optical microscopy. However, the classification of pollen types at the species level ...

Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccination in Belgium

not dramatically change the estimates related to demographic and socio-economic indicators in this case. However, they provide a more accurate description by modelling explicitly part of the variability ...

Towards a more effective REACH legislation in protecting human health.

such as endocrine disrupting abilities, neurotoxicity, and immunotoxicity. An adapted regulatory framework that integrates data from different sources and comparing the outputs with estimates of exposure ...

Herpes zoster in Belgium: a new solution to an old problem

substantial pain and occurs in up to one-quarter of patients with HZ. Up to 48,000 HZ cases are estimated to occur annually in Belgium, estimated to cost almost 7 million euros in treatment. The recombinant ...

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