Search results - 29 results
Unravelling COVID-19 social mortality patterns using conditional inference tree algorithm
outcomes were considered in this study aiming at predicting sociodemographic (SD) and socioeconomic (SE) patterns of 1) COVID-19 specific death compared to survival; 2) all other causes of death (OCOD) ...
SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 outcomes across mental disorders and the role of sex: A register-based study from Catalonia
disorders (NSD), and substance misuse (SUB) (exposed). The outcomes assessed were SARS-CoV-2 infection, COVID-19 hospitalization, and COVID-19-related death, compared to matched individuals without these ...
Years of life lost for 137 causes of death in Belgium by age, sex, and region, 2004-2018
32, Issue Supplement_3 (2022) Keywords: Cause of Death Health Topics: Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Service: Information ...
Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Humboldt Penguins—Susceptibility Patterns andMolecular Epidemiology of Clinical and Environmental Aspergillus fumigatus Isolates from a Belgian Zoo
a death rate due to aspergillosis of 68.0%, mostly affecting adults. Microsatellite polymorphism analysis revealed a high level of diversity among environmental and veterinary A. fumigatus isolates. ...
Inequalities in mortality associated with housing conditions in Belgium between 1991 and 2020
associated with increased mortality. Our objective is to investigate the association between housing inequality and increased mortality in Belgium and to estimate the number of deaths that could be prevented ...
Poor timing and failure of source control are risk factors for mortality in critically ill patients with secondary peritonitis.
odds of death were associated with septic shock (OR 3.08 [1.42-7.00]), late-onset hospital-acquired peritonitis (OR 1.71 [1.16-2.52]) and failed source control evidenced by persistent inflammation at day ...
Predictors of exceeding emergency under-five mortality thresholds using small-scale survey data from humanitarian settings (1999- 2020): considerations for measles vaccination, malnutrition, and displacement status.
under-five death rate, population status (internally displaced, refugee, or crisis-affected resident), measles containing vaccine coverage, and global acute malnutrition were extracted from the Complex ...
Listeria monocytogenes isolates from Cornu aspersum snails: Whole genome-based characterization and host-pathogen interactions in a snail infection model.
infection model showed that hypervirulent isolates triggered programmed host cell death pathway by increasing up to 30% the circulating apoptotic hemocytes in combination with induced nitrate production and ...
The bacteriophage LUZ24 "Igy" peptide inhibits the Pseudomonas DNA gyrase.
replication and leads to cell death also in fluoroquinolone-resistant bacterial isolates. These data highlight the potential of discovering phage-inspired leads for antibiotics development, supported by ...
Enantiomeric fraction of hexabromocyclododecanes in foodstuff from the Belgian market
enantiomeric fractions of the same samples. None of the samples could be considered as racemic for the α-isomer suggesting that foodstuff contamination occurred prior to death of the corresponding producing ...