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Search results - 8 results
Characterization of a Bacteriophage GEC_vB_Bfr_UZM3 Active against.
phage UZM3 showed that it does not harbor any known virulence genes and can be considered as a potential therapeutic phage to be used against infections. Health Topics: Effectiveness and safety of ...
Deepening of In Silico Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 Detection RT-qPCR Assays in the Context of New Variants
Keersmaecker Source: Genes, Volume 12, Issue 4 (2021) Keywords: SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; variants; detection; RT-qPCR; in silico specificity evaluation; bioinformatics tool; WGS data; mismatches; primers and probes ...
Identification of flavouring substances of genotoxic concern present in e-cigarette refills
induced gene mutations and chromosome damage in vitro, whereas equivocal results were obtained for the fourth compound. Thus, although there is a legislative framework which excludes the use of CMR ...
Use of Whole Genome Sequencing Data for a First in Silico Specificity Evaluation of the RT-qPCR Assays Used for SARS-CoV-2 Detection.
obtained for the assay of Chan et al. (2020) targeting the gene coding for the spiking protein (S). This demonstrates that our user-friendly strategy can be used for a first in silico specificity evaluation ...
Zona pellucida gene mRNA expression in human oocytes is related to oocyte maturity, zona inner layer retardance and fertilization competence.
p.292-303 (2017) Abstract: STUDY QUESTION: Do the mRNA expression levels of zona pellucida (ZP) genes, ZP1, 2, 3 and 4 in oocyte and cumulus cells (CC) reveal relevant information on the oocyte? SUMMARY ...
The role of methylation, DNA polymorphisms and microRNAs on HLA-G expression in human embryonic stem cells.
p.118-127 (2017) Abstract: The human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-G gene seems to play a pivotal role in maternal tolerance to the fetus. Little is known about HLA-G expression and its molecular control during in ...
Inter-laboratory study of human in vitro toxicogenomics-based tests as alternative methods for evaluating chemical carcinogenicity: a bioinformatics perspective.
Issue 9, p.2215-29 (2016) Keywords: Carcinogens Cell Line, Tumor Computational Biology Dose-Response Relationship, Drug Gene Expression Profiling Gene Expression Regulation Genome-Wide Association Study ...
General considerations on the biosafety of virus-derived vectors used in gene therapy and vaccination.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Aline Baldo; van den Akker, Eric; Bergmans, Hans E; Lim, Filip; Katia Pauwels Source: Curr Gene Ther, Volume 13, Issue 6, Number 394, ...