Search results - 9 results
Benefits of hypothetical air pollution reduction interventions on NCDs in Belgium
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Ingrid Pelgrims; Brecht Devleesschauwer; Johan Van der Heyden; Eva M De Clercq Source: European Journal of Public Health, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_3 (2024) Health Topics: Health ...
Phage-Mediated Digestive Decolonization in a Gut-On-A-Chip Model: A Tale of Gut-Specific Bacterial Prosperity.
intervention. However, previous attempts at such eradication using oral antibiotics or probiotics have led to discouraging results. Phage therapy, the therapeutic use of bacteriophage viruses, might represent ...
What triggers selective daily mobility among older adults? A study comparing trip and environmental characteristics between observed path and shortest path.
low-speed areas and greenness on walking detour reinforce the existing evidence on older adults’ active transportation. Urban planning interventions favoring active transportation will also promote walking ...
Changes in physical activity by context and residential greenness among recent retirees: Longitudinal GPS and accelerometer study.
in a physical activity intervention. We also assessed whether residential greenness, measured with Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, moderated the changes. Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity ...
Cost-effectiveness analysis of a school- and community-based intervention to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent type 2 diabetes in vulnerable families across Europe: the Feel4Diabetes-study.
Lieven Source: Prev Med, Volume 153 (2021) Abstract: The Feel4Diabetes-study implemented a school- and community-based intervention to promote healthy lifestyle and prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) ...
Different Effects of a School-Based Physical Activity Intervention on Health-related Quality of Life
the intervention effect of a school-based physical activity intervention on Health-related Quality of Life for groups with different physical activity profiles at baseline. The intervention, Move for ...
Surmortalité durant la 1re et 2e vague de l'épidémie de COVID-19 en Belgique
absence de mise en œuvre de mesures contraignantes (par exemple, la distanciation sociale, etc.) et d’interventions non pharmaceutiques (par exemple, l’hygiène des mains, les équipements de protection ...
Excess mortality during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 epidemic in Belgium
distancing, etc.) and non-pharmaceutical interventions (e.g., hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, etc.), it is possible that the excess mortality during this period would have been greater. Mortality ...
The effect of a cluster-randomized controlled trial on lifestyle behaviors among families at risk for developing type 2 diabetes across Europe: the Feel4Diabetes-study.
2 Europe Exercise Humans LIFE STYLE Sedentary Behavior Abstract: BACKGROUND: This study investigated the effect of the Feel4Diabetes-intervention, a 2-year multilevel intervention, on energy balance-related ...