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Search results - 104 results

Utilization of gabapentin by people in treatment for substance use disorders in Belgium (2011-2014): a cross-sectional study.

indicate potential abuse. A limitation of the study is that it is only based on reimbursed medication without clinical information. Conclusion: Through the linkage of the TDI-database and the database of the ...

Measuring disability: a systematic review of the validity and reliability of the Global Activity Limitations Indicator (GALI).

GALI or Global Activity Limitation Indicator is a global survey instrument measuring participation restriction. GALI is the measure underlying the European indicator Healthy Life Years (HLY). Gali has ...

The use of the global activity limitation Indicator and healthy life years by member states and the European Commission.

such as the 2000 Lisbon strategy. HLY are based on the underlying measure: the Global Activity Limitation Indicator (GALI). Twelve years after its implementation, this study aims to assess its current ...

The use of the global activity limitation Indicator and healthy life years by member states and the European Commission

76, Issue 1 (2018) Keywords: DISABILITY Disability-free life expectancy Global activity limitation Indicator Healthy Life Years POLICY Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la ...

The use of the global activity limitation Indicator and healthy life years by member states and the European Commission

76, Issue 1 (2018) Keywords: DISABILITY Disability-free life expectancy Global activity limitation Indicator Healthy Life Years POLICY Abstract: Background: In 2005, the European Union (EU) started to ...

High relative humidity pre-harvest reduces post-harvest proliferation of Salmonella in tomatoes.

therefore becomes increasingly important to safeguard public health. Previous experiments showed a limited impact of pre-harvest production practices on Salmonella proliferation on tomatoes, but suggested ...

Migrant's access to preventive health services in five EU countries.

a high of 4.4 times (flu vaccination) for migrants. The comparison among the five EU countries included in the study showed similarities, with particularly limited access recorded in Italy and in Belgium ...

What can the CF registry tell us about rare CFTR-mutations? A Belgian study.

Abstract: BACKGROUND: CFTR2 provides clinical and functional information of the most common CFTR-mutations. Rare mutations (RM s) occur in only a few patients with limited reported clinical data. Their role ...

Pertussis diagnosis in Belgium: results of the National Reference Centre for Bordetella anno 2015.

with anti- PT levels >125 IU /ml was in the age group of 10-14 years old. Based on the limited data of the last vaccination (reported for only 15% of the samples), recent booster vaccination in the ...

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