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Comparison of self-rated health and activity limitation as predictors of short term mortality in the older population.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Johan Van der Heyden; Nicolas Berger; Herman Van Oyen Source: Public Health, Volume 129, Issue 3, p.283-5 (2015) Keywords: Aged Aged, 80 and over Belgium Diagnostic Self Evaluation Disabled Perso ...

Assessing the validity of the Global Activity Limitation Indicator in fourteen European countries.

Quality-Adjusted Life Years Surveys and Questionnaires Abstract: BACKGROUND: The Global Activity Limitation Indicator (GALI), the measure underlying the European indicator Healthy Life Years (HLY), is widely used to ...

Pleuromutilins: use in food-producing animals in the European Union, development of resistance and impact on human and animal health.

different European countries, as only a limited number of antimicrobials are available for the treatment of swine dysentery where resistance to these antimicrobials is already common and widespread. The loss ...

Using mortality follow-up of surveys to estimate social inequalities in healthy life years.

BACKGROUND: The estimation of healthy life years (HLY) by socio-economic status (SES) requires two types of data: the prevalence of activity limitation by SES generally extracted from surveys and mortality ...

Association between variables used in the field substitution and post-stratification adjustment in the Belgian health interview survey and non-response.

non-response bias in population health surveys seems to be quite limited. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Service:  ...

Quantifying burden of disease to support public health policy in Belgium: opportunities and constraints

can be produced. This might however be hampered by several restrictions, such as limited harmonization, timeliness, inclusiveness and accessibility of current databases. Summary Routine quantification ...

Obstacles in measles elimination: an in-depth description of a measles outbreak in Ghent, Belgium, spring 2011.

is an important obstacle for the elimination of measles. Isolation measures, a vacation period and an immunization campaign limited the spread of measles within the schools but could not prevent ...

A multifaceted study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa shutdown by virulent podovirus LUZ19

knowledge on genome content and diversity of bacterial viruses, insights in intracellular phage development and its impact on bacterial physiology are very limited. We present a multifaceted study combining ...

"SSS" Scan speed, Sensitivity and Smooth: how to manage?

analysis. Nonetheless, analysing more than 200 compounds in one run can push this type of system to its limit. This seminar will demonstrate how you can balance a perfect compromise between scan speed, high ...

No emergence of Echinococcus multilocularis in foxes in Flanders and Brussels anno 2007-2008.

imply that the risk for public health in Flanders and Brussels is limited anno 2007-2008. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  3.03 Health sciences ...

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