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Search results - 343 results
Migration of 18 trace elements from ceramic food contact material: influence of pigment, pH, nature of acid and temperature.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Demont, M; Boutakhrit, K; Fekete, V; Bolle, F; Joris Van Loco Source: Food Chem Toxicol, Volume 50, Issue 3-4, p.734-43 (2012) Keywords: Acids Ceramics food Hydrogen-Ion Concentration Spectrum An ...
Mutagenicity, antimutagenicity and cytotoxicity evaluation of South African Podocarpus species
inhibitory and antioxidant activities. AIM OF THE STUDY: To investigate the mutagenicity, antimutagenicity and cytotoxicity effects of leaf and stem extract of South African Podocarpus species. MATERIAL AND ...
Detecting un-authorized genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and derived materials4841
elements and the global trade. All of these factors contribute to the increasing complexity of detecting and correctly identifying GMO derived material. Many jurisdictions, including the European Union (EU), ...
Feeding Cyprinus carpio with infectious materials mediates cyprinid herpesvirus 3 entry through infection of pharyngeal periodontal mucosa.
digestive tract. Here, we investigated whether ingestion of infectious materials mediates CyHV-3 entry through the digestive tract. Carp were fed with materials contaminated with the CyHV-3 LUC recombinant ...
Technical guide on metals and alloys
Aluminium Comment CONTACT de Discussion Europe European food food contact food contact material healthcare Medicine métal method methods ON PRODUCTS Quality Abstract: Technical guide on metals and alloys: ...
Determination of Glyphosate and Its Metabolite AMPA (Aminomethylphosphonic Acid) in Cereals After Derivatization by Isotope Dilution and UPLC-MS/MS
mg/kg in cereal matrices. Finally, the accuracy of the method was assessed by analyzing a proficiency test material which was available from a previous round (EUPT- C4) Service: Éléments traces et ...
Four new SYBR®Green qPCR screening methods for the detection of Roundup Ready(r), LibertyLink(r), and CryIAb traits in genetically modified products362
methods in CoSYPS GMO analysis is illustrated using two GEMMA proficiency test samples and a reference material from the GM rapeseed event RF3. This set of SYBR (r)Green qPCR trait-specific methods ...
Mould routine identification in the clinical laboratory by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry
been established for routine mould identification. This study aimed to validate a standardized procedure for MALDI- TOF MS-based mould identification in clinical laboratory. MATERIALS AND METHODS: First, ...
Worldwide burden of cervical cancer in 2008.
impact of existing preventive measures and to define priorities for the future. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Best estimates on cervical cancer incidence and mortality are presented using recently compiled data ...
Sources of PCDD/Fs, non-ortho PCBs and PAHs in sediments of high and low impacted transboundary rivers (Belgium-France)
material indicate that OCDD is the dominant congener. In addition use of pentachlorophenol (PCP) in the past led to a minor contribution of PCDD /Fs in our sediment samples. Non-ortho PCB s form ...