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Search results - 4 results

Quality of primary palliative care for older people with mild and severe dementia: an international mortality follow-back study using quality indicators.

and expert consensus. Subjects: patients aged 65 or older, who died non-suddenly with mild or severe dementia as judged by GP s (n = 874). Results: findings showed significantly different QI scores ...

End-of-life care for people dying with dementia in general practice in Belgium, Italy and Spain: A cross-sectional, retrospective study.

EUROIMPACT Source: Geriatr Gerontol Int (2017) Abstract: AIM: To describe and compare end-of-life care for people with mild or severe dementia in general practice in Belgium, Italy and Spain, in terms of place ...

Immediate referral to colposcopy versus cytological surveillance for minor cervical cytological abnormalities in the absence of HPV test.

squamous intra-epithelial lesions (LSIL /mild dyskaryosis). DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: The primary outcome measure studied was the occurrence of cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia (CIN). The secondary ...

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