Search results - 4 results

Increased surface area of halloysite nanotubes due to surface modification predicts lung inflammation and acute phase response after pulmonary exposure in mice

Assay Halloysite nanotubes High aspect ratio nanomaterial (HARN) Abstract: The toxicological potential of halloysite nanotubes (HNT s) and variants after functional alterations to surface area are not ...

Increased surface area of halloysite nanotubes due to surface modification predicts lung inflammation and acute phase response after pulmonary exposure in mice

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Kenneth Klingenberg Barfod; Katja Maria Bendtsen; Trine Berthing; Antti Joonas Koivisto; Sarah Søs Poulsen; Ester Segal; Eveline Verleysen; Jan Mast; Andreas Holländer; Keld Alstrup ...

Nanopack Deliverable 6.2: Title: Manuscript with physico-chemical characterisation of HNTs and HNT hazard characterization

Koivisto; Sarah Søs Poulsen; Ester Segal; Eveline Verleysen; Jan Mast; Andreas Holländer; Keld Alstrup Jensen; Vogel, Ulla Source: (2019) Keywords: hallosite nanotubes hazard characterisation Nanoparticles ...

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