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Algorithms for molecular testing in solid tumours
clinical need. Health Topics: Cancer Cancer Kanker Service: Centre du cancer Kankercentrum Cancer centre Manuscript versions: File: Version: Published Full text access: Public Access Full text language: ...
Meta-analysis of the accuracy of p16 or p16/Ki-67 immunocytochemistry versus HPV testing for the detection of CIN2+/CIN3+ in triage of women with minor abnormal cytology.
can be triaged accurately with a high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) test to identify those who need a referral. However, the triage of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) with hrHPV ...
Prevention of Cervical Cancer: Guideline of the DGGG and the DKG (S3 Level, AWMF Register Number 015/027OL, December 2017)- Part 2 on Triage, Treatment and Follow-up.
important need, outlined in the National Cancer Plan, with regard to screening for cervical cancer, as this guideline aims to provide important information and support for planned organized screening for ...
Prevention of Cervical Cancer: Guideline of the DGGG and the DKG (S3 Level, AWMF Register Number 015/027OL, December 2017)- Part 1 with Introduction, Screening and the Pathology of Cervical Dysplasia.
important need, outlined in the National Cancer Plan, with regard to screening for cervical cancer, as the guideline aims to provide important information and support for planned organized screening for ...
Impact of the human papillomavirus status on the development of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in women negative for intraepithelial lesions or malignancy at the baseline: A 9-year Swedish nested case-control follow-up study.
a greater impact on women 30 years old or older than younger women. Women with NILM cytology and HPV-16/18 need specific follow-up management within screening. Health Topics: Quality of healthcare Qualité ...
The EMPCAN study: protocol of a population-based cohort study on the evolution of the socio-economic position of workers with cancer
the working age population (16–64 years). There is a strong need to assess and understand their reintegration on the labour market, which underlines and ensures their social integration and quality of ...
Assessing factors associated with long-term work disability after cancer in Belgium: a population-based cohort study using competing risks analysis with a 7-year follow-up
ability to work after cancer. Such insight should help with the planning of rehabilitation needs and tailored programmes. PARTICIPANTS We conducted this register-based cohort study using individual data ...
Barriers to and facilitators of compliance with clinic-based cervical cancer screening: population-based cohort study of women aged 23-60 years.
non-medical costs incurred in attending (e.g., indirect cost of time needed for the screening visit, transportation costs, child care costs, etc.), mode(s) of travel, time, distance, companion’s attendance, HPV ...