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Search results - 8 results
Burden of disease due to road traffic noise in Flanders, BelgiumAbstract Key messages
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Pauwels, A; De Clercq, E M; Demoury, C; Brecht Devleesschauwer; Eva M De Clercq; Claire Demoury Source: European Journal of Public Health, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_3 (2024) Health ...
corrected for time shifts using correlation optimized warping and further pretreated using classical techniques like signal noise variate, autoscaling and derivatives), before being subjected to partial least ...
Development of a multiplex immunoassay for simultaneous detection of antigens in DTaP vaccines
antibody of the sandwich assay to determine the most favorable combination to use in the multiplex assay (better signal-to-noise ratio). As a proof of concept, the potency of 18 batches from HuB was compared ...
Physicochemical characterisation of several types of the E171 food additive
optimized conditions, representative TEM micrographs could be recorded and the ParticleSizer image analysis software succeeded in applying noise reduction and background subtraction, allowing robust automatic ...
Interest of Ion Mobility- Mass Spectrometry analysis for the screening of pesticide residues in food
Mass Spectrometry matrix method methods mobility Mode Monitoring national noise ON parameters pesticide Pesticide residues Pesticides PRESENTATION Pressure PROCESSES programme Ratio Residue residue ...
The BBEMG research program- A multidisciplinary approach in studying long-term effects of ELF-EMF
according to their distance to transformers and buried cables. Measurements of exposure to EMF and other environmental parameters such as noise, fine particles, volatile organic compounds, indoor and outdoor ...
Impact of the (Non-) Built Environment on Mental Health in Brussels : The NAMED PROJECT
terms of (non-)built environment, quality of air and noise. Second, civil society, stakeholders and local or scientific experts will be consulted by means of multiple case studies, focus groups and ...
Disentangling the Link between Built/Non-Built Environment and Mental Health in Brussels
describing each participant’s surroundings in terms of (non-)built environment, air quality and noise. These data are based on the X,Y coordinates of the participant’s residence and processed using ...