Search results - 3 results

Surveillance de la mortalité toutes causes confondues en Belgique, Flandre, Wallonie et Bruxelles durant l’hiver 2018-2019. Be-MOMO The Belgian Mortality Monitoring.

En Belgique et dans chaque région, la surmortalité durant la période hivernale a comme point commun celui d’avoir touché principalement les hommes de 15-64 ans. De la surmortalité s’observe également ...

European all-cause excess and influenza-attributable mortality in the 2017/18 season: should the burden of influenza B be reconsidered?

European all-cause excess mortality, the EuroMOMO network, observed high excess mortality during the influenza B/Yamagata dominated 2017/18 winter season, especially among elderly. We describe all-cause ...

Excess all-cause and influenza-attributable mortality in Europe, December 2016 to February 2017.

all-cause mortality was observed in many European countries, especially among people aged ≥ 65 years. We estimated all-cause and influenza-attributable mortality in 19 European countries/regions. Excess ...

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