Search results - 865 results
Patient Reported Outcome and Experience Measures (PROMs and PREMs) in substance use disorder treatment services: A scoping review
provision of effective, individualized care to persons accessing treatment. Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROM s) and Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREM s) are increasingly used in healthcare ...
P142 Review of diagnostic labels for patients with unconfirmed cystic fibrosis diagnosis using registry data
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Wanyama, S. Situma; Daneau, G.; De Wachter, E.; Dupont, L. Source: Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, Volume 22, Vienna, Austria (2023) Health Topics: Cystic fibrosis Cystische fibrose Fib ...
P146 COVID-19 pandemic in the Belgian cystic fibrosis patients compared with the international cystic fibrosis patients and the general Belgian population
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Daneau, G.; Wanyama, S. Situma; Van Hoorenbeeck, K. Source: Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, Volume 22, Vienna, Austria (2023) Health Topics: Cystic fibrosis Cystische fibrose Fibrose cy ...
Evaluation of the clinical performance of OncoPredict HPV® SCR assay within the VALGENT‐2 framework
index versus comparator were 1.01 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.99-1.03) and 1.02 (95% CI: 1.0-1.04), respectively. Noninferiority p values were all ≤0.05, except for CIN3 + in patients ≥30 years. ...
Effect of neuraminidase inhibitor (oseltamivir) treatment on outcome of hospitalised influenza patients, surveillance data from 11 EU countries, 2010 to 2020.
Oseltamivir Treatment Outcome Zanamivir Abstract: BackgroundTimely treatment with neuraminidase inhibitors (NAI) can reduce severe outcomes in influenza patients.AimWe assessed the impact of antiviral treatment ...
Evaluation of the clinical performance of OncoPredict HPV® SCR assay within the VALGENT-2 framework.
confidence interval [CI]: 0.99-1.03) and 1.02 (95% CI: 1.0-1.04), respectively. Noninferiority p values were all ≤0.05, except for CIN3 + in patients ≥30 years. Excellent intra- and interlaboratory ...
Caring for Long Covid patients in primary health care: a cross-sectional study among general practitioners in Belgium and Malta.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: S Moreels; Cuschieri, Sarah; Sherihane Bensemmane; Robrecht De Schreye Source: Population Medicine, Volume 5, Issue Supplement (2023) Keywords: Belgium long COVID Malta primary care Health Topics ...
Association between COVID-19 Primary Vaccination and Severe Disease Caused by SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant among Hospitalized Patients: A Belgian Retrospective Cohort Study
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Queeny Robalo; Laurane De Mot; Mathil Vandromme; Nina Van Goethem; Andrea Gabrio; Pui Yan Jenny Chung; Marjan Meurisse; Belgian Collaborative Group on COVID-19 Hospital Surveillance; Lucy Catteau ...
Plan d'action 2021-2025 | Comité pour l'élimination de la rougeole et de la rubéole en Belgique
facilement accessibles aux patients eux-mêmes, aux cliniciens et aux responsables politiques. Il s’agit notamment d’intégrer les données de vaccination provenant des dossiers médicaux dans un registre de ...
Immunogenicity and one-year boostability of a 3-dose intramuscular rabies pre-exposure prophylaxis schedule in adults receiving immunosuppressive monotherapy: a prospective single-Centre clinical trial.
Marleen G Van de Sande; Steven Van Gucht; Martin P Grobusch; Abraham Goorhuis Source: J Travel Med (2022) Abstract: BACKGROUND: For immunocompromised patients (ICP s), administration of rabies ...