Search results - 865 results

Incidental findings: towards a casuistic or systemic approach?

européen qui se consacre à l’utilisation de la génomique en vue d’améliorer la prévention, le diagnostic et le traitement du cancer au bénéfice des patients et des citoyens. Au sein de ce projet, nous avons, ...

Aligning the values of citizens and experts regarding the management of genomic incidental findings

un consortium européen qui se consacre à l’utilisation de la génomique en vue d’améliorer la prévention, le diagnostic et le traitement du cancer au bénéfice des patients et des citoyens. Au sein de ce ...

Can.Heal Deliverable 12.2 – Citizen and Patient Perspectives on Oncogenomic Data Reuse

of patients, citizens, and Can.Heal professionals. It highlights areas where the values of the general public and professionals align, yet also where they might differ, indicating ethical points of ...

Inequities to the access to and use of telemedicine among cancer patients in Europe: A scoping review

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: V Leclercq; Léopold Vandervliet; Schmitt, Tugce; Marc Van den Bulcke; Marie Delnord Source: (0) Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Ser ...

The Belgian Inventory of Cancer Care and Control Policies: a state of play for 2023

early detection and screening, diagnosis, treatment, care organisation, quality of care and survivorship. It also details crosscutting topics such as patient centeredness and the reduction of inequalities ...

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