Search results - 865 results
High number of hospitalisations and non-classical presentations: lessons learned from a measles outbreak in 2017, Belgium.
the most sensitive symptom, being absent in only six cases. A large proportion of cases (125/289, 43%) required hospitalisation. In hospitalised patients, the most commonly observed complications were ...
Reply to "The perceived efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in observational studies: the results of the confounding effects of 'goals of care'".
J Antimicrob Agents, Volume 57, Issue 4 (2021) Keywords: COVID-19 Humans Hydroxychloroquine Patient Care Planning Health Topics: COVID-19 Service: Épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses Epidemiologie van ...
Insights into the association of ACEIs/ARBs use and COVID-19 prognosis: a multistate modelling study of nationwide hospital surveillance data from Belgium.
SARS-CoV-2 Abstract: OBJECTIVES: The widespread use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI s) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB s) by patients with chronic conditions raised early concerns on ...
GMO Regulatory Aspects of Novel Investigational Vaccine Candidates
preclinical research to market authorization, whereby different legal frameworks that go beyond quality, efficacy or patient safety aspects need to be taken into account. As academia and start-ups are often ...
Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections: diverging trends of meticillin-resistant and meticillin-susceptible isolates, EU/EEA, 2005 to 2018.
per 1,000 days of hospitalisation) and stratification by patient characteristics.ResultsConsidering a fixed cohort of laboratories consistently reporting data over the entire study period, MRSA ...
Quatrième campagne nationale « Vous êtes en de bonnes mains »: zoom sur les indications « avant contact patient ». NOSO-info 2012; VOL. XVI n° 4, 3-6.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: N. Viseur; M. Costers; Karl Mertens; Boudewijn Catry; A. Simon Source: (0) Manuscript versions: DOI: http://x File: Version: Published Full text access: Public Access Full text language: Fr ...
ST131 fimH22 Escherichia coli isolate with a blaCMY-2/IncI1/ST12 plasmid obtained from a patient with bloodstream infection: highly similar to E. coli isolates of broiler origin.
the genome of an ST131 CMY-2-producing Escherichia coli isolate from a Danish patient with other ST131 CMY-2-producing E. coli isolates of both human and animal origin. METHODS: In 2016, an ST131 ...
Whole-genome-based phylogenomic analysis of the Belgian 2016-2017 influenza A(H3N2) outbreak season allows improved surveillance.
Real-time analysis (i.e. as an outbreak is ongoing) via Nextstrain allowed positioning of the Belgian isolates into the globally circulating context. Finally, integration of patient data with phylogenetic ...
Automated digital reporting of clinical laboratory information to national public health surveillance systems, results of a EU/EEA survey, 2018.
allowed the de-duplication of patient reports. In 13 countries, M2M-reported data were used for cluster detection at the national level. M2M laboratory data reporting had been validated against conventional ...
Prevalence, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Molecular Characterization of in Cattle, Beef, and Diarrheic Patients in Bishoftu, Ethiopia.
Infections Salmonella Infections, Animal Serotyping Young adult Abstract: Within Ethiopia, there is a lack of information on the genetic relatedness of from cattle, beef, and diarrheic patients and its ...