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Search results - 44 results

Average daily nitrate and nitrite intake in the Belgian population older than 15 years.

of nitrate/nitrite was calculated using the Nusser method. The mean usual daily intake of nitrate was 1.38 mg kg(-1) bodyweight (bw) day(-1) and the usual daily intake at the 97.5 percentile was 2.76 ...

Dietary cadmium intake by the Belgian adult population.

from consumption data and median Cd concentrations. The population mean, median and 95th percentile of the dietary intake values were 0.98, 0.85 and 2.02 µg kg⁻¹ body weight per week respectively. Two ...

Contribution of selected foods to acrylamide intake by a population of Brazilian adolescents

CONSUMPTION contribution data dietary Dietary intake Dietary-intake exposure exposure assessment food food consumption Foods Girls Individuals intake LEVEL levels method older ON percentile POPULATION Recall ...

Estimate of intake of benzoic acid in the Belgian adult population.

acceptable daily intake (ADI) of 5 mg kg(-1) body weight day(-1) at the 99th percentile. The greatest contributors to the benzoic acid intake were soft drinks. Benzoic acid as a natural substance represents ...

Hygiene indicator microorganisms for selected pathogens on beef, pork, and poultry meats in Belgium25

method methods microbiology microorganism microorganisms Monitoring national objectives ON pathogen percentile Pig Pigs Pork Poultry Print PROCESSES Pseudomonas Research Research Support result results ...

Intake of ochratoxin A and deoxynivalenol through beer consumption in Belgium.

(bw), considering the mean beer consumption (0.638 litres) and the average level of OTA in 2003, 2004 and 2005, respectively. Using the 97.5th percentile of beer consumption (1.972 litres), the ...

Prevalence of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli from serotype O157 and other attaching and effacing Escherichia coli on bovine carcasses in Algeria30

percentile prevalence Print result results SB- IM Science strain study Type Universities university veterinary Veterinary Medicine Abstract: AIMS: Bovine meat is the principal source of human contamination of ...

First chronic wasting disease (CWD) surveillance of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in the Northern part of Belgium.

Belgium that was estimated to have a median value of zero with a 95(th) percentile value of 0.0049 and 0.0045 for spleen and brain samples respectively. Health Topics:  Animal health Category:  A1 FOS ...

First results of chronic wasting disease (CWD) surveillance in the south-eastern part of Belgium.

south-eastern part of Belgium that was estimated to have a median value of zero with a 95% percentile value of 0.00115. Health Topics:  Animal health Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  4.03 Veterinary science ...

Evaluation of the health risks related to the presence of cyanogenic glycosides in foods other than raw apricot kernels

exposures to cyanide from foods containing CNG s did not exceed the AR fD in any age group. At the 95th percentile, the AR fD was exceeded up to about 2.5‐fold in some surveys for children and adolescent age ...

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