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Search results - 209 results

Possible impact of culture-independent diagnostic techniques on surveillance of gastrointestinal pathogens in Belgium

diagnostic practices in light of the upcoming change in test reimbursement and (iii) estimate the interest of laboratories for public health questions for Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, STEC and ...

Estimating the Uncertainty in Airborne Birch Pollen Modelling

model (System for Integrated modeLling of Atmospheric composition). The key question, however, is which uncertainty can be expected when modelling and forecasting airborne pollen levels? Materials & ...

Challenges in Chlamydial Serology: Insights from a Belgian and a Dutch Population Cohort.

differ between the two groups (2.27% in BE and 1.92% in NL; p = 0.633), even though a higher prevalence was expected for the Belgian cohort. This prompts us to question whether the Belgian cohort truly ...

Survey report: Preparedness and response to biological and chemical terror attacks in JA TERROR partner countries

roles and responsibilities between public health, security and civil protection sectors (the two first specific objectives of WP6). The survey included questions on different preparedness and response ...

Expert report on FLAKKA

until February 2024. The main questions answered are: 1) what is FLAKKA, 2) which epidemiological data are available and 3) which actions have been or are yet to be undertaken. Health Topics:  New ...

The Belgian Cancer Inventory: Co-creating a framework for monitoring the implementation of cancer policies and associated inequalities

benchmarking exercise. Questions remain on the completeness of the data that would feed into the Inventory. References 1 European Commission. Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan — Communication from the Commission to ...

Population health information research infrastructure—from data to public health actions

crises and to address urgent public health questions in peace time. Such a forum can be instrumental for upcoming work, e.g. defining indicators that need to be monitored for better resilience and ...

Assessing uncertainty in airborne birch pollen modelling

emission and transport model System for Integrated modeLling of Atmospheric coMposition (SILAM). The question, however, is which uncertainty in modelling and forecasting airborne pollen levels can be ...

Please don't throw me in the briar patch! Empirical evidence on the role of instructional cues on eco-label usage in fish consumption decisions

unconscious responses rather than deliberate environmental considerations, raising questions about the suitability of envisaged policy orientations encompassing disaggregated environmental, nutritional, animal ...

Assessing mental health from registry data: What is the best proxy?

questions about depressive symptoms, anxiety and psychoactive medication use were compared with the following variables from INTEGO: symptom codes, diagnosis codes, free text, antidepressant/benzodiazepine ...

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