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Search results - 4 results

Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of the diagnostic test accuracy of host and HPV DNA methylation in cervical cancer screening and management.

patients and the public. PROSPERO REGISTRATION NUMBER: RD42022299760. Health Topics:  Quality of healthcare Cancer Qualité des soins de santé Kwaliteit van de gezondheidszorg Cancer Kanker Service:  Centre ...

Cytological screening for cervical cancer in the province of Limburg, Belgium.

the last 3 years, and the average number of smears screened for each woman was 1.5. On account of incomplete registration, the coverage was 8% lower than estimated from health insurance data. The modal ...

CanCon European Guide on Quality Improvement in Comprehensive Cancer Control- Chapter 4: Screening

modification at each step, plus revolution of the quality circle. Information systems that permit registration and monitoring of process and outcome are crucial for maintaining current levels of quality, and for ...

Plan Cancer: État des lieux Mars 2011

vieillissement de notre population, les prévisions de la Fondation Registre du Cancer indiquent que ce chiffre devrait encore s’accroître de 10% d’ici 2015.  Le Plan Cancer : un projet ambitieux et de longue ...

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