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Quantitative decision making in animal health surveillance: Bovine Tuberculosis Surveillance in Belgium as case study.
used to simulate the current surveillance system’s expected performance in terms of detection sensitivity and specificity. These results were then descriptively compared with observed field results. ...
Frequency of Participation in External Quality Assessment Programs Focused on Rare Diseases: Belgian Guidelines for Human Genetics Centers.
technological platforms, if possible through EQA s covering the technique, genotyping, and clinical interpretation; (2) the triennial assessment of the genotyping and interpretation of specific germline mutations ...
Molecular and virological characterization of the first poultry outbreaks of Genotype VII.2 velogenic avian orthoavulavirus type 1 (NDV) in North-West Europe, BeNeLux, 2018.
polybasic sequence of the fusion gene cleavage site and the intracerebral pathotyping assay demonstrated the high pathogenicity of the strain. This paper represents the first notification of this specific ...
Atlas of cause-specific all ages mortality by district in Belgium, 2003-2009.
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Aline Scohy; Françoise Renard; Jure Jurcevic Source: Sciensano, Brussels, p.22 (2021) Health Topics: Life expectancy Espérance de vie Levensverwachting Service: In ...
Development of a real-time PCR marker targeting a new unauthorized genetically modified microorganism producing protease identified by DNA walking
developed to target specifically the newly discovered GMM, namely GMM protease2. The performance of the real-time PCR marker was assessed in terms of specificity and sensitivity. The applicability of the ...
My DNA, everybody's business? A citizen forum on the use of genomic information in society
specifically. For this common good, they showed great willingness to share data and participate in genomic medicine. However, from their point of view, volunteering genomic information requires a great deal of ...
Belgian citizens’ attitudes towards genomic data sharing. Results of the online DNA debate
a pseudonym, on several ethical questions, including one specific question on data sharing. In total, 1127 citizens posted 1258 opinions, including students from about 75 high schools, who debated within their ...
Belgian neuromuscular diseases registry (BNMDR): Annual report 2017
Diseases). Those specific data are also analyzed in the present report. TREAT- NMD aims to advance diagnosis, care and treatment for neuromuscular patients. A total of 302 DMD patients, 109 BMD patients and ...
Lentiviral vector induces high-quality memory T cells via dendritic cells transduction.
distinct functional signatures and memory phenotype in lentiviral vector- or Adenovirus type 5 (Ad5)-immunized mice, despite comparable antigen-specific CD8 T cell magnitudes. Compared to Ad5, lentiviral ...
Estimated effects of the implementation of the Mexican warning labels regulation on the use of health and nutrition claims on packaged foods.
specifications for implementing warning labels and other packaging elements such as health and nutrition claims on less healthy foods) on the prevalence of these claims. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study in ...