Search results - 6 results

Microbial quality analysis of falsified medicines seized by controling agencies

good manufacturing practices (GMP). The potential health risks associated with consuming such compromised medications range from toxic impurities to contamination with pathogenic microorganisms. In this ...

Multidimensional Fingerprint Development for the Detection of Tribulus terrestris in Plant Food Supplements

properties. According to the Belgian Royal Decree of 1997, Tribulus is a regulated plant when used in plant food supplements. The dangers of self-medication and toxicity of such plant supplements is heightened ...


However, the latter is not always the case. The said supplements can be adulterated or fraudulent by ex-changed, which can lead to adverse effects or toxicity in the consumer. Tribulus terrestris (TT), ...

chromatographic fingerprinting for the detection of herbal adulteration and herbal fraud in plant food supplements

herbs which are not claimed on the packaging, and are regulated or toxic. This paper deals with the problem of herbal adulteration and herbal fraud, i.e. the absence of the claimed medicinal plant. ...

Falsification of biotechnology drugs: current dangers and/or future disasters?

described the presence of the wrong active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), the wrong dosage or the absence of the API. Additionally, adverse health effects have been reported in the past due to toxic ...

Impurity profiling of the most frequently encountered falsified polypeptide drugs on the Belgian market

these type of falsified drugs not only have a high variation in amount of drugs per unit and a low purity (ranging between 5% and 75% for cysteine containing peptides), but also contained the known toxic ...

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