Search results - 14 results
A new multiplex RT-qPCR method for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of Zika and chikungunya viruses
combined in a four-plex assay that was thoroughly validated in-house. The SCREENED tool was used to evaluate the sequence coverage of the method. Results The full validation approach showed that the new ...
A new multiplex RT-qPCR method for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of Zika and chikungunya viruses.
literature for each virus, adapted for high genome coverage and joined into a four-plex assay which was thoroughly in-house validated. The SCREENED tool was used to evaluate the sequence coverage of ...
Validation of a Bioinformatics Workflow for Routine Analysis of Whole-Genome Sequencing Data and Related Challenges for Pathogen Typing in a European National Reference Center: as a Proof-of-Concept.
Keersmaecker; Nancy Roosens; Kevin Vanneste Source: Front Microbiol, Volume 10 (2019) Keywords: national reference center Neisseria meningitidis public health VALIDATION whole-genome sequencing Abstract: Despite ...
Development of a real-time PCR method for the genoserotyping of Salmonella Paratyphi B variant Java.
in-house, was developed in this study, to be applied to Salmonella isolates. This method was validated with the analysis of 178 S. Paratyphi B (D-tartrate fermenting and non-fermenting) and other serotypes ...
Combining primary care surveillance and a meta-analysis to estimate the incidence of the clinical manifestations of Lyme borreliosis in Belgium, 2015–2017
As both over- and underestimation of different clinical LB manifestations remain possible due to characteristics of the primary surveillance systems and the disease itself, future studies to validate ...
Validation of a New Web Application for Identification of Fungi by Use of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization–Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: A. C. Normand; Pierre Becker; F. Gabriel; C. Cassagne; I. Accoceberry; M. Gari-Toussaint; L. Hasseine; D. De Geyter; D. Pierard; I. Surmont; F. Djenad; J.L. Donnadieu; M. Piarroux; S. Ranque; Mar ...
Activity-Based Detection and Bioanalytical Confirmation of a Fatal Carfentanil Intoxication.
a forensic case. Confirmation and quantification using a validated bioanalytical procedure revealed the, to our knowledge, highest carfentanil concentrations reported in humans so far. Health Topics: Ziekten ...
Measuring disability: a systematic review of the validity and reliability of the Global Activity Limitations Indicator (GALI).
a substantial policy use within the EU and its Member States. The objective of current paper is to bring together what is known from published manuscripts on the validity and the reliability of GALI. Methods: ...
Changes in health in Belgium, 1990-2016: a benchmarking analysis based on the global burden of disease 2016 study
can help defining Belgian health targets and are necessary as external validity of GBD results is not always guaranteed. Health Topics: Burden of disease Fardeau de la maladie Ziektelast Surveillance ...
A pan-European ring trial to validate an International Standard for detection of Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus in seafoods
well-established group of bacterial foodborne pathogens. The European Commission (EC) mandated the Comite de European Normalisation (CEN) to undertake work to provide validation data for 15 methods in microbiology ...