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Search results - 13 results
Identification of valid and multidimensional quality indicators in diabetic foot care, useful to study quality of care in diabetic foot clinics- SQUIRMYFOOT (Scope of quality of care monitoring in the treatment of the diabetic foot)
Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Flora Mbela Lusendi Source: Sciensano (2024) Health Topics: Quality of healthcare Qualité des soins de santé Kwaliteit van de gezondheidszorg Diabetes Diabète Diabetes Service: Étude des soins de santé Gezondheids ...
Occurrence of microcystin congeners in surface waters and food in Belgium as a source of exposure to humans
risk management through concrete policy measures. This doctoral dissertation discusses the development and validation of fit-for-purpose analytical methodologies to quantify the most prevalent cyanotoxin ...
Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety
Ultimately, a validation of the method is still necessary in order to obtain a precise limit of detection based on the analysis of a large dataset of samples. Moreover, other technologies can still be ...
Development and validation of qualitative and semiquantitative methods for the analysis of phthalates and benzophenone in e-liquids
Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Alban Morue; Sophia Barhdadi Source: UCL, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, p.57 (2022) Keywords: e-cigarette Endocrine disruptors phtalates Health Topics: E-cigarette E-sigaret E-cigarette Manuscript versions: ...
Development of a data-intensive centralized system for surveillance and outbreak investigation of bacterial pathogens using whole-genome sequencing
Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Bert Bogaerts Source: Ghent University, Gh, p.250 (2021) Keywords: bioinformatics public health VALIDATION whole-genome sequencing Abstract: Whole genome ...
Chemical and toxciological characterization of e-liquid cigarettes
analytical methods used in these studies have not always been well validated and thus the results of these studies need to be critically examined; three main problems could be uncovered: (1) the content of ...
Development of a genoserotyping system for the identification of Salmonella serotypes
of the results in a database to improve the Salmonella surveillance in Belgium. The 4 modules and the DSS were validated by comparison with the classical method, including more than 1300 strains and ...
included as internal standard. Validation of the UPLC- TQMS method addressed selectivity, linearity, precision, trueness and accuracy. Out of the 15 investigated MHP s, 6 were found to leak 5 sensitizing and ...
lubricants, fragrances are used freely. Although 26 allergenic fragrances are documented as they are known to cause allergic contact dermatitis (ACD). Aim: The aim is to develop a valid method to determine 24 ...
Fusarium, clinical relevance and mass spectrometry methods for identification, using strains of the Belgian fungal culture collection BCCM/IHEM
isolated from patients, were re-identified by multilocus DNA marker sequencing and phylogeny. The remaining 289 validated strains, comprising 40 different species, were of great value: (i) Analysis of the ...