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Search results - 29 results
Automation and validation of TEM characterization methods
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Eveline Verleysen Source: Workshop: Physicochemical characterisation of nano-sized particles in food, Tervuren, Belgium (2019) Health Topics: Food consumption and food safety Consom ...
Simultaneous determination of parabens, bisphenols and alkylphenols in human placenta by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
1121, Number 102 (2019) Keywords: Alkylphenol Bisphenol endocrine disruptor Paraben Placenta UHPLC-MS/MS Abstract: This study presents de development and validation of an ultra- high performance liquid ...
Open Lab Application for the Characterization of Nanomaterials by Transmission Electron Microscopy
specific needs such as food and food contact materials, biocidal products, cosmetics and medical devices. As a consequence there is a growing need for validated characterization methods and for certified ...
RF 16/6306 Implementation and validation of an analytical methodology to assess engineered nanomaterials in food additives Nanofood@
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Eveline Verleysen; Sandra De Vos; Nadia Waegeneers; Frederic Brassinne; Stella Mathioudaki; Marina Ledecq; Lotte Delfosse; Jan Mast Source: (2019) Health Topics: Fo ...
Nanomaterials for food applications: Analytical challenges and practical solutions for enforcing labeling of nanoingredients in food products in the European Union
limitations of existing analytical techniques, and the lack of validated studies and reference materials. This book chapter summarizes these challenges and, in addition, suggests a screening strategy for ...
Simultaneous determination of parabens, bisphenols and alkylphenols in human placenta by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry
1121, Number 102 (2019) Keywords: Alkylphenol Bisphenol endocrine disruptor Paraben Placenta UHPLC-MS/MS Abstract: This study presents de development and validation of an ultra- high performance liquid ...
Monitoring of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in beehive products and derivatives on the Belgian market
detection were developed with a focus on very low LOQ s and validated for the analysis of 16 PA s and 14 PANO s in honey, honey based candies and snacks as well as beehive products based food supplements. ...
Development of a QuEChERS-Based UHPLC-MS/MS Method for Simultaneous Determination of Six Alternaria Toxins in Grapes
and anhydrous magnesium sulfate (0.5 g) was established to recover the six Alternaria toxins. After validation by determining the linearity (R2 > 0.99), recovery (77.8–101.6%), sensitivity (limit of ...
Optimisation et validation d'une méthode de dosage de l'iode dans les algues marines par ICP-MS
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: A. Bigaj; C. Marien; Ann Ruttens Source: ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Brussels (2018) Health Topics: Heavy metals Métaux lourds Food consumption and food sa ...
Analysis of mineral oil in food: results of a Belgian market survey
for a limited number of food groups and only from few countries. In Belgium, data on the contamination of food by mineral oil are lacking. In this contribution, an in-house validated online combination ...