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Search results - 158 results
Comparative Tick-Borne Encephalitis (Virus) Surveillance in Belgium 2009-2015: Experiences with Diagnostic Tests, Sentinel Species and Surveillance Designs
the studies have highlighted the need for further veterinary validation of commercial ELISA tests in comparison to the gold standard SNT. Health Topics: Tick-borne encephalitis Tekenencefalitis ...
Augmented and doubly robust G-estimation of causal effects under a Structural nested failure time model.
effect of a time-dependent exposure on a survival outcome. They have been introduced along with so-called G-estimation methods to provide valid adjustment for time-dependent confounding induced by ...
A more sensitive, efficient and ISO 17025 validated Magnetic Capture real time PCR method for the detection of archetypal Toxoplasma gondii strains in meat.
17025 validated) by adding a non-competitive PCR inhibition control (co-capture of cellular r18S) and making the release of the target DNA from the streptavidin-coated paramagnetic beads UV-dependent. The ...
Fusarium, clinical relevance and mass spectrometry methods for identification, using strains of the Belgian fungal culture collection BCCM/IHEM
isolated from patients, were re-identified by multilocus DNA marker sequencing and phylogeny. The remaining 289 validated strains, comprising 40 different species, were of great value: (i) Analysis of the ...
Dietary exposure to pyrrolizidine alkaloids in young children and adults from the Belgian population (PASFOOD)
developed at WIV- ISP for the analysis of 16 PA s and 14 PANO s. The sample preparation and instrumental methods were optimized to obtain the best method sensitivity. Nine analytical methods were validated ...
Development and validation of a protocol for optimizing the use of paraffin blocks in molecular epidemiological studies: The example from the HPV-AHEAD study.
s in molecular epidemiology was developed and validated. First, a protocol for sectioning the FFPE was developed to prevent cross-contamination and distributed between participating centers. Before ...
Validation of a particle tracking analysis method for the size determination of nano- and microparticles.
attempts have so far been made to investigate and quantify the performance of the PTA method for particle size analysis. This article presents the results of a validation study during which selected ...
Is a Health Interview Survey an appropriate tool to assess domestic violence?
p.903-909 (2017) Abstract: Background: The aim of this study is to assess if a Health Interview Survey (HIS) targeting the general population is an appropriate tool to collect valid data on domestic violence. ...
Characterization of suspected dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid
validation of a specific identification and quantification method is described. The proposed method utilizes an essential pre-extraction step prior to identification by infra-red spectroscopy followed by an ...
Epidémiologie des infections à Clostridium difficile en Belgique- Rapport 2017
(et reste la plus élevée) en Wallonie, et a diminué (et reste la plus faible) en Flandre. Cependant une validation à partir des données des séjours hospitaliers suggère que l’incidence réelle dans les ...