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Search results - 25 results

Release of Nano-objects, their aggregates and agglomerates from Masks (RENAAME): validation of a screening method to identify Ti and Ag elements in masks

LNE in partnership with INRS and SCIENSANO (Belgian public laboratory) is to develop a recognized and validated testing methodology for identifying the presence of nanomaterials declared or involved in ...

Belgian recommendations for analytical verification and validation of immunohistochemical tests in laboratories of anatomic pathology

_recommendations_for_analytical.139.aspx Keywords: CE-IVD test immunohistochemical test laboratory developed test VALIDATION Verification Abstract: Analytical verification and validation of immunohistochemical tests and their ...

Validation of an animal-free analytical method for the detection of bacterial endotoxins in human vaccines

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Flore Laurent; Laure Cuignet; Julien Lamme; Hanae Kachach; Zahra Boukhouchi; Geneviève Waeterloos Source: NA, VUB- Symposium 3R (2023) Keywords: Endotoxin " vaccine &quo ...

Release of Nano-objects, their aggregates and agglomerates from Masks: ambitions and scientific objectives of the RENAAME project

conditions réalistes d’utilisation. L’originalité du projet RENAAME consiste à développer et valider une approche couplant analyse des matériaux constitutifs des masques et des aérosols potentiellement émis. ...

The analysis of cannabinoids in e-cigarette liquids using LC-HRAM-MS and LC-UV

a method was developed for screening of 17 cannabinoids and to quantify the major cannabinoids such as CBD, CBDA, ∆9- THC and ∆9- THCA. The latter was fully validated using the ‘total error’ approach, ...

Response to letter to the editor: “Comments on ‘discrepancies between validated GC‐FID and UHPLC‐DAD methods for the analysis of Δ‐9‐THC and CBD in dried hemp flowers’”

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Eric Deconinck; Michaël Canfyn; Céline Duchateau; De Braekeleer, Kris Source: Drug Testing and Analysis, Volume 15, Issue 2 (2023) Keywords: CBD delta-9-THC dried hemp flowers Health Topics:  Eff ...

Discrepancies between validated GC‐FID and UHPLC‐DAD methods for the analysis of Δ‐9‐THC and CBD in dried hemp flowers

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Céline Duchateau; Cedric De Leersnijder; Sophia Barhdadi; Michael Canfyn; De Braekeleer, Kris; Eric Deconinck Source: Drug Testing and Analysis, Volume 14, Issue 10 (2022) Keywords: agricultural ...

Directive Pratique pour la mise en place d'un système qualité dans les laboratoires d'anatomie pathologique agréés dans le cadre de l'Arrêté d'agrément

fournir des services de laboratoire cohérents, de haute qualité et rentables aux cliniciens et au patients. Dans la phase analytique, l’importance de vérification et de la validation est soulignée dans dans ...

Development and validation of a targeted LC-MS/MS quantitation method to monitor cell culture expression of tetanus neurotoxin during vaccine production

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Antoine Francotte; Raphael Esson; Eric Abachin; Melissa Vanhamme; Alexandre Dobly; Bruce Carpick; Sylvie Uhlrich; Jean-François Dierick; Celine Vanhee Source: Talanta, Volume 236 (2022) Health To ...

CBD oils on the Belgian market: A validated MRM GC-MS/MS method for routine quality control using QuEChERS sample clean up

instruments and reduce the lifetime of the chromatographic columns. This paper proposes a procedure combining a sample cleanup by QuEChERS, removing the oily matrix, followed by a validated MRM GC- MS / MS ...

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