Search results - 18 results

Targeted High-Throughput Sequencing Enables the Detection of Single Nucleotide Variations in CRISPR/Cas9 Gene-Edited Organisms

sequencing PCR-based enrichment single nucleotide variations Transgenic Rice Abstract: Similar to genetically modified organisms (GMO s) produced by classical genetic engineering, gene-edited (GE) organisms ...

The cost of healthy versus current diets in the Netherlands for households with a low, middle and high education.

of healthy and current diets do not take into account the variation in diets or food prices. We calculated the differential cost between healthy and current diets for households with a low, medium and ...

Methodological choices in brucellosis burden of disease assessments: A systematic review

disability weights. The rest used a simplified singular health state approach. Wide variation was seen in the duration chosen for brucellosis, ranging from 2 weeks to 4.5 years, irrespective of the whether ...

Benchmarking the nutrition-related commitments and practices of major Belgian food companies.

(56%). Overall BIA-Obesity scores for commitments ranged from 2 to 75% (median = 35%) with notable variation across policy domains and food industries. The proportion of portfolios consisting of A and ...

The cost of diets according to diet quality and sociodemographic characteristics in children and adolescents in Belgium

Nutrition (2021) Abstract: This study aims to estimate cost variations according to diet quality and sociodemographic characteristics in children. Data (n = 1,596; 5-17 y) from the Belgian National Food ...

The nature of food promotions over one year in circulars from leading Belgian supermarket chains

About 52.2% of food promotions across all circulars were for ultra-processed foods, with considerable variation across chains (42.9-61.6%). Promotional characters and premium offers were found within 5.3 ...

The Cost of Diets According to Nutritional Quality and Sociodemographic Characteristics: A Population-Based Assessment in Belgium

according to the overall quality of diets taking into account sociodemographic characteristics. Objective: Our aim was to estimate cost variations according to diet quality and to identify sociodemographic ...

Identifying nanodescriptors to predict the toxicity of nanomaterials: a case study on titanium dioxide

the development of alternative testing strategies such as computational (predictive) models based on in vitro testing. However, the variations in in vitro experimental conditions can influence the ...

Physicochemical Characterization of the Pristine E171 Food Additive by Standardized and Validated Methods.

By combining optimized sample preparation with method validation, a significant variation in the particle size and shape distributions, the crystallographic structure (rutile versus anatase), and the ...

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