Search results - 5 results
Belgian Mosquitoes Are Competent for Japanese Encephalitis Virus and Readily Feed on Pigs, Suggesting a High Vectorial Capacity.
Abstract:, a day-active mosquito known to feed aggressively on humans, was reported as a nuisance species near an abandoned pigsty in Belgium. Since Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is an emerging zoonotic ...
Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety
characterizing it. Finally, we also investigated the contamination of food by viral pathogens such as norovirus and hepatitis A. In order to detect these RNA viruses, we extracted all RNA from the food (raspberry, ...
Deepening of In Silico Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 Detection RT-qPCR Assays in the Context of New Variants
proper detection of the virus. In the present study, 11 primers and probe sets investigated during the first study were evaluated again with 84,305 new SARS-CoV-2 unique genomes collected between June 2020 ...
Use of Whole Genome Sequencing Data for a First in Silico Specificity Evaluation of the RT-qPCR Assays Used for SARS-CoV-2 Detection.
(consisting of a total of 30 primers and probe sets) used for SARS-CoV-2 detection and the impact of the virus’ genetic evolution on four of them. The exclusivity of these methods was also assessed using the ...
Development of giant bacteriophage phiKZ is independent of the host transcription apparatus
Journal of Virology, Volume 88, Issue 18, Number 10510, p.10501- 10510 (2014) Keywords: 0 Absence Activity article Bacterial Proteins Bacteriophages Belgium Beta Biology Cell data Development DNA-Directed ...