Search results - 178 results
Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity investigations on plant growth promoting smoke-water and smoke-derived compounds using Vicia faba and P
Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Source: UA, Antwerp, p.48 (Submitted) Keywords: cytotoxicity genotoxicity growth investigation ON plant S10 smoke-water Service: Organische contaminanten en ...
Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity investigations on plant growth promoting smoke-water and smoke-derived compounds using Vicia faba and Persea americana S10 metabolic activation
Publication Type: Popular-science publication (vulgarising publication) Authors: Partoens,M. Source: Antwerp (2016) Keywords: cytotoxicity genotoxicity growth investigation ON plant S10 smoke-water ...
Determination of pesticide residues in drinking water by GC-MSMS and UPLC-MSMS
European pesticide Pesticide residues Residue WATER Health Topics: Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service: Éléments traces et nanomatériaux Spoorelementen en ...
Impact of Age, Season, and Flowing vs. Stagnant Water Habitat on Avian Influenza Prevalence in Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) in Belgium.
during a 4-yr AI surveillance program (2007-2010) to determine the AI seroprevalence and viroprevalence in this species; all were analyzed through age, temporal, and habitat (flowing and stagnant water ...
Occurrence of antibiotics in pharmaceutical industrial wastewater, wastewater treatment plant and sea waters in Tunisia.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Tahrani, Leyla; Joris Van Loco; Ben Mansour, Hedi; Tim Reyns Source: J Water Health, Volume 14, Issue 2, p.208-13 (2016) Keywords: ...
Evaluation of detection methods for non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli from food.
in parallel in Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) and Brila broth. After enrichment, detection was performed using real-time PCR (qPCR), and isolation using two chromogenic agar media, CHROM agar™ STEC and ...
A molecular approach for the rapid, selective and sensitive detection of Exophiala jeanselmei in environmental samples: development and performance assessment of a real-time PCR assay
Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Sensitivity and Specificity Abstract: Exophiala jeanselmei is an opportunistic pathogenic black yeast growing in humid environments such as water reservoirs of ...
Isolation and characterization of antibiotic-resistant bacteria from pharmaceutical industrial wastewaters.
Source: Microb Pathog, Volume 89, p.54-61 (2015) Keywords: Anti-Bacterial Agents bacteria Drug Industry Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial Industrial Waste Microbial Sensitivity Tests Tunisia Waste water ...
Growth of Stressed Strains of Four Non-O157 Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Serogroups in Five Enrichment Broths.
soy broth, buffered peptone water (BPW), BPW with sodium pyruvate, Brila, and STEC enrichment broth (SEB) was determined using total viable counts. To compare growth capacities, growth after 7 and 24 ...
Toxic textile dyes accumulate in wild European eel Anguilla anguilla.
Animals Belgium Chromatography, Liquid Coloring Agents Environmental Monitoring Food Contamination Fresh Water Gentian Violet Mass Spectrometry Rosaniline Dyes Textile Industry Water Pollutants, Chemical ...