Search results - 8 results
Characterization of functional nanoparticles applied in face masks by STEM-EDX
TEM specimens from the pieces of mask followed the methodology described in Wouters et al.[4] Ultra-thin sections of the textiles were prepared by embedding them in epoxy resin, followed by ultra-thin ...
Applying and implementing future-oriented methods on a national level; towards enhanced policy and service preparedness to threats in the drugs domain
other current and future developments in the drug field. The presentation will first describe how to identify and respond to known and currently ongoing threats. The second part will describe how ...
An Alternative Method Validation Strategy for the European Decision 2002/657/EC
capability; Precision; SUMMARY The European decision 2002/657/ EC imposes that each analytical method used for official control of foodstuffs is validated. The methodologies described in the ISO 5725 and the ...
European risk assessor perspective on the quality of in vivo bioassays
Modified Organisms (ISBGMO) 2014, Issue ISBR (International Society for Biosafety Research), Cape Town, South Africa (2014) Abstract: As described in Regulation (EC) No. 1829/2003 on genetically modified ...
Impact of the (Non-) Built Environment on Mental Health in Brussels : The NAMED PROJECT
epidemiological study will be carried out based on the coupling between data from the national health surveys (2008 and 2013) and specifically developed indicators describing each participant’s surroundings in ...
Disentangling the Link between Built/Non-Built Environment and Mental Health in Brussels
describing each participant’s surroundings in terms of (non-)built environment, air quality and noise. These data are based on the X,Y coordinates of the participant’s residence and processed using ...
UHPLC-MS/MS methods for the quantification of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in a wide range of food matrices and exposure assessment for the Belgian population
has been established for more than 1,200 samples available on the Belgian market. The presentation will describe the analytical strategies deployed for the different food matrices, including some ...
Food contamination with pyrrolizidine alkaloids: the expected… and the unexpected
Belgium’s level. The presentation will provide an introduction to those emerging natural toxins, will describe some analytical strategies deployed at Sciensano for different and highly diversified food matrices, ...