Search results - 69 results

Identification of (antioxidative) plants in herbal pharmaceutical preparations and dietary supplements.

procedures for the identification, authentication, and quality control of medicinal plants and herbs are nowadays limited to pure herbal products. No guidelines or procedures, describing the detection or ...

Development of the European Health Interview Survey- Physical Activity Questionnaire (EHIS-PAQ) to monitor physical activity in the European Union.

Survey (EHIS). This article presents the EHIS- PAQ and describes its development and evaluation processes. METHODS: Research institutes from Belgium, Estonia and Germany participated in the Improvement of ...

Environmental and genomic factors as well as interventions influencing smoking cessation: a systematic review of reviews and a proposed working model.

interventions to develop a certain behaviour. OBJECTIVES: Describing the environmental and genomic factors as well as the interventions influencing smoking cessation (SC) and developing a working model ...

Scientific opinion on the presence of dioxins (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like PCBs (DL-PCBs) in commercially available foods for infants and young children

children. It was requested to describe the relation of important parameters of the distributionof the occurrence data to the new EU maximum levels (ML s), and to assess whether these ML s are sufficient toaim ...

Scientific Opinion of the EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (PPR), Guidance on the use of probabilistic methodology for modelling dietary exposure to pesticide residues

Anappendix to the guidance describes uncertainties associated with the methodology recommended inthis guidance, and provides a general evaluation of their potential impacts on estimated exposures.The guidance ...

The role of CXC chemokines in the transition of chronic inflammation to esophageal and gastric cancer

tumor growth retardation and regression. Thus, chemokines exert diverging, sometimes dual roles in tumor biology as described for esophageal and gastric cancer. Therefore extensive research is needed to ...

Brucellosis at the animal/ecosystem/human interface at the beginning of the 21st century.

trafficking of Brucella is well described, the strategies developed by Brucella to survive and multiply in phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells, particularly to access nutriments during its intracellular ...

Biosafety in laboratory animal facilities. A practical approach.

under laboratory animal welfare regulations will not be considered here. To allow more clarity and a better understanding of the biosafety requirements and recommendations in laboratory animal facilities, ...

Methodology of the biological risk classification of animal pathogens in Belgium.

classification list for human and animal pathogens has been developed in Belgium using as comprehensive an approach as possible. The evolution of scientific knowledge will demand regular updating of classification ...

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