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Filters: Author is Milena Callies
Bulletin acute luchtweginfecties week 09-2025 - Gepubliceerd op 05.03.2025, Brugerolles, Claire, Fierens Sébastien, De Mot Laurane, Vandromme Mathil, Dockx Yinthe, Bossuyt Nathalie, Denayer Sarah, Parys Anna, Dufrasne François, Hanoteaux Sven, et al. , 2024, Brussels, p.48, (2024)
Bulletin infections respiratoires aiguës semaine 09-2025 - Publié 05/03/25, Brugerolles, Claire, Fierens Sébastien, De Mot Laurane, Vandromme Mathil, Dockx Yinthe, Bossuyt Nathalie, Denayer Sarah, Parys Anna, Dufrasne François, Hanoteaux Sven, et al. , 2024, Brussels, p.48, (2024)
Epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile infections in Belgian hospitals: National report – Data up to and including 2023, Callies, Milena, and Mertens Karl , 10-2024, (2024)
Epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile infections in Belgian hospitals, National report, Data up to and including 2022, Callies, Milena, Vaes Louise, and Mertens Karl , 02/2024, Number 41, Brussels, Belgium, (2024)
Influenza like-illness surveillance using a Belgian sentinel network of nursing homes: results of October 2022 onwards, Callies, Milena, Bossuyt Nathalie, Catteau Lucy, Catry Boudewijn, Duysburgh Els, Latour Katrien, Vaes Louise, and Mertens Karl , European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 04/2024, Barcelona, Spain, (2024)
Surveillance des infections respiratoires aiguës. Rapport épidémiologique des saisons 2020-2022, Fierens, Sébastien, De Mot Laurane, Vandromme Mathil, Brugerolles Claire, Bustos Sierra Natalia, Hanoteaux Sven, Callies Milena, Van Evercooren Izaak, Nasiadka Léonore, Maloux Hadrien, et al. , (2024)
Surveillance van acute luchtweginfecties. Epidemiologisch rapport seizoen 2020-2022, Fierens, Sébastien, De Mot Laurane, Brugerolles Claire, Maloux Hadrien, Janssens Raphael, Bossuyt Nathalie, Bustos Sierra Natalia, Hutse Veronik, Vandromme Mathil, Nasiadka Léonore, et al. , (2024)
Trends of Clostridioides difficile infections in Belgian hospitals, between 2010 and 2022, Callies, Milena, Vaes Louise, Catry Boudewijn, and Mertens Karl , 09/2024, Bled, Slovenia, (2024)
COVID-19 Clusters in Belgian Nursing Homes: Impact of Facility Characteristics and Vaccination on Cluster Occurrence, Duration and Severity, Dequeker, Sara, Callies Milena, Catteau Lucy, Int Panis Laura, Islamaj Esma, Klamer Sofieke, Latour Katrien, Pauwels Marijke, Vernemmen Catharina, Mahieu Romain, et al. , Viruses, Jan-01-2023, Volume 15, Issue 1, (2023)
Epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile infections in Belgian hospitals, National report, Data up to and including 2021, Callies, Milena, Mortgat Laure, and Duysburgh Els , 05/2023, Brussels, Belgium, p.52, (2023)
Influenza-like illness (including COVID-19) sentinel surveillance in Belgian nursing homes: amended protocol - V2, Callies, Milena, Barbezange Cyril, Bossuyt Nathalie, Catteau Lucy, Latour Katrien, Vermeulen Melissa, Duysburgh Els, and Mertens Karl , 05/09/2023, p.24, (2023)
SARS-CoV-2 infection prevention and control measures in Belgian schools between December 2020 and June 2021 and their association with seroprevalence: a cross-sectional analysis of a prospective cohort study, Callies, Milena, Kabouche Ines, Desombere I, Merckx Joanna, Roelants Mathieu, Vermeulen Melissa, and Duysburgh Els , BMC Public Health, Jan-12-2023, Volume 23, Issue 1, (2023)
SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and determinants for salivary seropositivity among pupils and school staff: a prospective cohort study, Merckx, Joanna, Callies Milena, Kabouche Ines, Desombere I, Duysburgh Els, and Roelants Mathieu , Epidemiology and Infection, Jan-01-2023, Volume 151, (2023)
Prevalence and incidence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in children and school staff measured between December 2020 and June 2021: Findings of the second testing period – brief summary, Duysburgh, Els, Merckx Joanna, Callies Milena, Kabouche Ines, Roelants Mathieu, and Desombere I , Brussels, Belgium, (2021)
Prevalence and incidence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in children and school staff: Main findings of the fourth testing period among primary schoolchildren (Sep-Oct 2021), Merckx, Joanna, Roelants Mathieu, Callies Milena, Kabouche Ines, Desombere I, and Duysburgh Els , (2021)
Prevalence and incidence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in children and school staff measured between December 2020 and June 2021: Findings of the third testing period – brief summary, Merckx, Joanna, Roelants Mathieu, Callies Milena, Kabouche Ines, Desombere I, and Duysburgh Els , (2021)
Prevalence and incidence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in children and school staff measured between December 2020 and June 2021: Findings of the first testing period, Duysburgh, Els, Merckx Joanna, Callies Milena, Kabouche Ines, Vermeulen Melissa, Roelants Mathieu, and Desombere I , 2021, (2021)
Prevalence and incidence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in children and school staff measured between December 2020 and June 2021: Findings of the third testing period – brief summary, Merckx, Joanna, Roelants Mathieu, Callies Milena, Desombere I, Kabouche Ines, and Duysburgh Els , 2021, (2021)
Protocol COVID-19 Surveillance in residential institutions - version 5.2, Dequeker, Sara, Latour Katrien, Islamaj Esma, Int Panis Laura, Callies Milena, Catteau Lucy, Catry Boudewijn, Bustos Sierra Natalia, Renard Françoise, and Vandael Eline , 02/07/2021, Brussels, Belgium, p.17, (2021)
Protocol COVID-19 surveillance in residentiële instellingen - versie 5.2, Dequeker, Sara, Latour Katrien, Islamaj Esma, Int Panis Laura, Callies Milena, Catteau Lucy, Catry Boudewijn, Bustos Sierra Natalia, Renard Françoise, and Vandael Eline , (2021)
Protocole surveillance COVID-19 dans les institutions résidentiels - version 5.2, Dequeker, Sara, Latour Katrien, Islamaj Esma, Int Panis Laura, Callies Milena, Catteau Lucy, Catry Boudewijn, Bustos Sierra Natalia, Renard Françoise, and Vandael Eline , 01/06/2021, p.19, (2021)

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